Tuesday, June 9, 2009

An Outing on King's Birthday

Last week Saturday (6th June 2009) was Agong (King's)'s Birthday. It was a public holiday so Mommy didn't have to go teach piano in the afternoon. The entire day was a free day for Mommy (and the babysitter of course!), so Papa and Mommy took Juan Or for an outing.

Our first destination was to Mommy's colleague's wedding lunch in Puri Pujangga of UKM. We were among the earliest to reach there so we had some time to ourselves in the carpark. Mommy put Juan Or at the steering because Juan Or was so eager to 'drive'. Shown here are photos of Juan Or happily 'driving' away.

However, upon stepping into the wedding reception, Mommy totally forgot to take photos - partly because Mommy was engrossed with eating and also chewing food to feed Juan Or. However, luckily Mommy's colleague took one photo. Here it is.

After that, some of Mommy's colleagues arrived and greeted and patted Juan Or. How Juan Or hated attention from strangers! Juan Or immediately started crying! Oh dear! What an anti-social baby! So Mommy brought Juan Or around for a walk while Papa quickly ate (it was a buffet lunch). Along the way, one of Mommy's colleague tried to bribe Juan Or with a chocolate, but Juan Or just could not be bribed! After that Mommy passed Juan Or to Papa while Mommy ate quickly. While Mommy ate, Juan Or continued to fret and cry so Papa had to bring him out of the wedding reception and waited in the car. After eating, Mommy thanked the host and left. All in all, that was just about 30 minutes spent in the wedding reception!

After the wedding reception, we headed to Giant Kinrara for window shopping. By then, Juan Or had calmed down. Papa and Mommy took Juan Or to try the kids' playland located at the 3rd floor. Shown here are snapshots of Juan Or driving the fire engine kiddy ride.

By the way, Mommy noticed that the stroller bought for Juan Or is increasingly less used nowadays because Juan Or is already able to sit up in shopping carts......

....unless Juan Or needs to sleep!

1 comment:

smallkucing said...

uiks! chau kong chau kong(last photo) kekeke