Yay! It's the Litt Tak Warehouse Sale again at the Desa Tun Razak's SMI area! Mommy has regularly been going to this sale since Mommy was pregnant with Juan Or considering that Litt Tak is just on the way to Mommy's workplace.
Mommy arrived one the first day of the sale, at 9.10am, and there were already a lot of people - not too crowded though, but lots of people. So probably the Litt Tak sale is getting famous already! There are quite a substantial addition of new toys (i.e., never seen before in previous sales) while majority of the toys are seen before previously. On the whole, these are some pointers that Mommy noticed for this batch of toy sale:
- more quantities (rather than varieties) of infant toys. Disney (mostly Pooh and gang, but very few Mickey Mouse) rattles/teethers sold for RM1, Tomy infant's multiple touch-texture plush toy for RM1 (which is cheaper now than what Mommy bought last time for RM2), Tomy finger puppets made of T-shirt cloth and an embedded bell sold in pairs for RM2.
- certain toys (probably just a small variety) have gone up in price, for example this cookery set is now priced at RM20 (last time was RM15 only).

This cookery set, meant to look like non-stick cookware, is now RM20, no longer RM15.
- way, way, way lesser Thomas and Friends toy set this time - only about a handful of boxes this time and the packaging looks old and a little dented at the edges, but cheaper this time.

This one's sold for RM100 and it has two separate track-routes, comes with a Thomas train, a bus and an accompanying storybook. Previously, it was sold for RM120 (you may want to click here to read about the previous sale). However, there is only one box left when Mommy saw it. But then Mommy is not buying it even though it's cheaper now because Juan Or already has a Thomas and Friends starter set (bought for RM55 from Litt Tak sale). This kind of toy only revolves around a train going round and round and round till the batteries die out, so what's the point of buying more than one set?
- a self-assembled tricycle for RM40 (last, last time was RM45, then later went up to RM50). Again, you may want to click here to view the tricycle.
- Power Ranger toys selling for as low as RM3.

Power Ranger figurines (rubbery texture) sold for RM5 each.

Power Ranger mask set (comes with sword and hood) for RM10.
More Power Ranger toys lined up at the stairs. Here's where you can find Power Ranger toys selling from RM3.
- on the whole, quite a number of toys that were seen before in previous sale are now even lower in price.
More snapshots of the sale:
Some infant and girlie toys.
More toys.
Gundam toys.
2-in-1 toy consisting of a doodle board and a container of big building blocks for RM8 only. Very cheap!However, there are some toys which Mommy just can't comprehend (usually Japanese toys), like this one:

One figurine with head and another without the head. So do you play the toy by interchanging the head with the two bodies? Hmmmm......strange toy. And what's that black round thing for? Although this toy just doesn't make sense to Mommy, but Mommy still see some peple buying it. One man's meat is another man's poison, right? By the way, it's priced at RM5.
Here's what Mommy got for Juan Or:
Top: A sushi-making set that comes with the mould and dough for RM9 - have to wait till Juan Or is older before he can play this. Bottom: Tomy brand of build-and-play toy car and helicopter meant for 18 months old and above, each for RM9 (in previous two sales before, Mommy bought the aeroplane one for RM15 - cheh!). This is an example of toys that have gone down in price. But Mommy must admit the plastic material and finishing are of very good quality. Juan Or had banged the toy before and handled it very roughly, still the toy is in good shape. 
Disney's Pooh Little Doctor Kit for RM15 only! The finishing looks of good quality. When Mommy found this set, this was the only one left. Mommy recall seeing the same set sold in previous Litt Tak sales for RM22 or RM25 - can't remember, but the price has definitely gone down this time. Thank God Mommy resisted buy it that time.

Smaller-item toys: Baby Mickey teether for RM1 (obviously Juan Or doesn't use teether anymore but this is more of Mommy's collection of Mickey Mouse items), children basketball set for RM3 (a hole is provided for you to hang the basket or if you like, you can use the heavy-duty foam double-sided tape provided), toy saxaphone for RM2 and a toy binocular for RM2.
Left: 'Flying' toy which is made up of a launcher to propel a winged device for RM7. Right: Fractions learning game for RM7 to serve as educational tool for Juan Or when he is much older.
From top to bottom: Big watergun for RM10, Power Rangers toy sword for RM3, and Japanese superhero figurines of rubbery texture and fine finishing for RM5 each. The figurines are more for Mommy's collection in the showcase cabinet, not really for Juan Or's playing though. ^ ^
This time, Mommy decided to introduce the toys to Juan Or, one by one on separate days. Mommy's plan is whenever Juan Or spontaneously shows good behaviour such as clearing up his toys/things, obedience or allows Mommy to brush his teeth without making a big fuss (but without warning him about rewarding a toy for good behaviour.....hehehehe), then Mommy will take out a new toy for him to play.
Today, Mommy decided to introduce the toy saxaphone. Juan Or was very enthusiastic about it probably because it was something new and never-seen-before for him.

Well, he doesn't quite know how to hold it properly. He tends to hold it at the top bended portion of the saxaphone and not pressing down any keys, so no matter how he blows, there's no sound. But sometimes, he managed to hold it properly and managed to press some keys too, so there's sound. Luckily Papa managed to capture this photo at the time when Juan Or held it properly.
Here's a video of Mommy teaching Juan Or how to hold it:
And here's a video of Juan Or blowing it, although he still holds it in a funny sort of way:
Anyway, here's a blogpost compilation of Mommy's experience with the Litt Tak Warehouse Sale:
Just a little positive note here: Although Litt Tak states in their advertisement that the sale ends at 6pm, but in reality, even at about 10 minutes past 6, they still entertain customers. Now, that's something good to know, right? ^ ^