Friday, January 29, 2010
Taking Mickey Mouse for a Ride
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Longer Legs Now
Notice his chubby arms and legs, and the babyish face and head back then?
Now Juan Or's legs are so much longer already, so reaching for the floor while riding on the baby car is not a problem anymore. But what does he do with his legs? He uses his legs as substitute for the steering instead! Watch this!
Now his limbs don't have the chubby baby look anymore. The face is also more like a little boy already, although the babyish-ness is still there. This video was taken in mid-December 2009 when he was 1 year 7 months old.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Big Boy Already

.......this plain white one!
Ha, big boy already, right? Well, however, when Mommy asked Juan Or whether he is still 'baby-baby', Juan Or nodded. ^ ^
Juan Or's Own Language
There was once after hearing Juan Or said 'a-ti', Mommy cheekily asked him,"Juan Or, you got your 'a-ti' word from ATI Mobility Radeon, is it?" Juan Or nodded.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Papaboy vs. Mamaboy
Juan Or: (pointed his finger upstairs where Papa was sleeping)

Juan Or sitting with his Papa and that makes him a Papaboy!
Friday, January 22, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Playing with Food
Same for drinking water too. Nowadays, if Mommy gives him plain water to drink, Mommy will use the cup since Juan Or is not very keen to drink from the sippy cup anymore. Then Mommy will have extra work to do - wiping away those wet patches whenever he aims wrongly while pouring.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The Trademark Finger-and-Mouth Gesture

Monday, January 18, 2010
'A' for Clothes Peg!?

Sunday, January 17, 2010
'Monkey-ing' Around Bukit Malawati, Kuala Selangor

Juan Or posing at the canon that surrounds the fort of Bukit Malawati. Seen here is Papa holding on to Juan Or in case he falls.

The view from Bukit Malawati.

This is the famous historical lighthouse of Kuala Selangor, which is situated at the hilltop of Bukit Malawati.

This is the first time for Juan Or to see monkeys real life at close range.

"Monkey, oh, monkey! Getting to know you!"

"Hey, monkey! Why are you going away from me? Can't we be friends?"

"Ah, never mind. At least another monkey is willing to be friends with me."

When Juan Or was tired, petty things seemed to irritate him, causing him to fret. But luckily there's this funny-looking 'choo-choo train' (that carries visitors up and down the hill for a fee)to distract his attention, turning his frets into laughter instead! This 'choo-choo train' appeared every now and then when we went up and then down the hill. In Juan Or's mind, probably this 'choo-choo train' resembled Mickey Mouse Clubhouse's Choo-choo Express. So probably Juan Or must be thinking that the train he saw in cartoon has come alive!

Mommy managed to capture a photo of both father and son walking down the hill. "Bye-bye, Bukit Malawati! See you again, monkeys! We'll be back!"
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Updates on Child Nutrition and Health Seminar (Part 5)
- Barker's Hypothesis (1995), a.k.a. Fetal Origin Hypothesis, states that fetal undernutrition in middle to late gestation (the period during which the embryo develops) not only leads to disproportional fetal growth, but also programmes for coronary heart disease later in life.
- Nutrients and oxygen level have been known to have influence on babies who are born small (i.e. lesser growth).
- Nutrients related to brain development: protein, iron (related to production of enzyme), zinc, copper, long-chain polyunsaturted fatty acid and choline.
- Lack of iron can cause the network of nerve cells in the brain to be cut short, so impulses or messages cannot be connected or send effectively. So iron deficiency affects the child's brain.
- What can negatively affect fetal brain's iron status? Low maternal iron supply, low placental iron transfer and high fetal iron demand.
- The first 2 years of a child's life is when brain development is increased, but after 2 years, the brainwave slows down.
- Multiple micronutrient supplementation showed positive effect in non-verbal intelligence rather than verbal intelligence.
Stay tuned for Part 6!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Beautiful Dreams

I dreamt......

I dreamt.......

I dreamt......

......of myself appearing in billboards everywhere!
I dreamt.......

I dreamt......

......of having a picture of myself painted on the wall of some old building.

Monday, January 11, 2010
Slip of the Tongue
One night, at around 8 pm, Mommy changed Juan Or's diaper into the more expensive type (it was Drypers Drypantz) to last him through the night till the next morning. Moreover, Juan Or indicated to Mommy that he already did his poo-poo business when he was at the babysitter's house during the day, so Mommy thought he was not likely to do it again that night. Then by 11.30 pm, all lights were off, everyone else in the household were already asleep upstairs. Only left was Mommy lying down on the mattress spreaded on the floor, waiting for Juan Or to settle down to sleep since he refused to sleep in the spring cot. So during the settling down period, Juan Or played with Mommy (Mommy was feeling sleepy already!) and even sat and thump onto Mommy's body. Mommy's nose was feeling a little stuffy (Mommy had just recovered from runny nose) and when Juan Or sat onto Mommy, Mommy smelt a whiff of funny smell despite the stuffy nose. So Mommy got up, peeped into his diaper and lo and behold - really a lot of poo in there! Mommy's immediate reaction was to blurt out "Oh, shit!" and guess what, Juan Or followed suit and said,"Oh, shit!" too!
So Mommy quickly changed his diaper and all along while wiping his bottom, Juan Or kept on saying "Oh, shit!" in a cheeky manner and with a cheeky smile. Judging from the way he said those words, looks like Juan Or knew he was not supposed to say that, but he deliberately said it anyway to test Mommy's boundaries, perhaps! You see, Juan Or is not a very talkative boy. Sometimes when Mommy taught him new words and asked him to pronounce the words, Juan Or would either not respond at all, or he would merely reply "Mmmk!" just for the sake of answering! Yet when Mommy accidentally blurted out something he's not supposed to follow, he kept on saying those things! Naughty! Naughty! Recently also, the babysitter's daughter told Mommy that she caught Juan Or saying "Kick your butt!"! For all that Mommy knows, no one at home says such things, not even at the babysitter's house (because they all converse in Cantonese only). Juan Or must have picked that up from the television!
By the way, just a sidetrack here, Mommy was pleasantly surprised that Juan Or seems to know when he is or is not properly changed of his diaper. This was what happened: After wiping his bottom, Mommy decided to give him a soapy wash on his bottom at the bathroom because the poo smell was still there. But before Mommy could do so, Mommy went over to the kitchen to find an old piece of newspaper to wrap up the diaper pants. In other words, Mommy had to leave Juan Or unattended for a while. During this period, much to Mommy's surprise, Juan Or, knowing that he was not properly done with diaper changing, did not at all attempt to get up from his lying down position. He remained where he was with his exposed bottom, waiting for Mommy to return to him again! Muah! Muah! Mommy loves Juan Or!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
The Changes of Juan Or's Latest Craze

Thursday, January 7, 2010
A Visit to the Hospital for Hydronephrosis Check-up
Finally, Juan Or's turn for ultrasound scan came and Mommy took him in. The moment the sonographer showed Juan Or the probe (yes, haven't even touched him!), Juan Or already started crying! Mommy knows Juan Or hates to have strangers do things on him, but what to do, that procedure has to be done. So as the scanning went on, Mommy held Juan Or to try to keep him as still as possible, but Mommy saw the scan image on the screen was constantly shaking! Oh dear! Finally, the sonographer conlcuded that the observation was the same as the last check-up, i.e., there's still a little something there but definitely, the dilation is gone already!
After the ultrasound scan, Mommy took Juan Or to the pediatric clinic section for consultation. Luckily the waiting time was not as long as the ultrasound one, but then Juan Or was already asleep in the babystroller by the time his turn came. So the paediatrician decided that Juan Or no longer needs to be on medication anymore. Hooray! Then the paediatrician did a milestone-development check-up on Juan Or, asking Mommy questions such as how many words can Juan Or say, it is more than 10 words, and whether Juan Or is already able to properly hold a pencil/pen. Juan Or's weight measurement was 9.8 kg, to which the paediatrician thinks he is still underweight. So the paediatrician recommended that Juan Or needs to be fed more solid food besides the 3 to 4 times of milk feed per day. In Mommy's head, Mommy was pondering on how to get Juan Or to eat more food since Juan Or refuses food or eats very little only once he is back home from babysitter's house. Mommy thinks probably why Juan Or seems to have better appetite when at babysitter's house is that there is another 3-year old boy whom the babysitter is also taking care of, so the competition to eat may be there. And Mommy also knows the babysitter did not purposely make the food look more attractive just to get Juan Or to eat more, yet he has better appetite there.
After that, the paediatrician opened up Juan Or's diaper (to which Juan Or was rudely awakened from sleep, so he cried loudly!) to check his penis if there is any abnormality associated with the hydronephrosis to which there is none. Finally, the paediatrician was done and Mommy took Juan Or out who was still crying.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Rounded Baby Belly

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The Candy Cane

Monday, January 4, 2010
Getting Juan Or to Eat Meat