Yesterday, Juan Or had just discovered that he can put Mickey Mouse behind as the pillion rider on his baby car. Now Juan Or has a 'companion' whenever he takes a ride!
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10 months ago
hahaha...can smallkucing tumpang?
Hehe... I think he is lonely and started to have imaginary friend, why don't you give him a 'little brother' or 'sister'? ;P
Smallkucing, you are most welcomed to tumpang, only thing is have to squeeze-loh. See-lah, next time if got money already can buy bigger and longer car, then we can have a good and comfortable ride, OK? :-)
Alice Law, hehehehe....I know what you mean. :-) Till now, I still can't afford (both in terms of money and energy) to have a second one.
hahaha...he is lonely. Btw, smiled on LG ^_^
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