Of late, Mommy noticed that whenever Mommy gives Juan Or titbits to eat, he will, instead of concentrating on eating, keep himself busy by pouring the titbits from one container to another - even if it means transferring just one tiny grain of titbit! Or sometimes, he will slowly pick one titbit to eat while doing the pouring job. Other times, if he doesn't fancy the titbit at all, he will just abandon the titbits once he's bored with the pouring job. During the pouring process, sometimes he aimed correctly, sometimes not. Watch this naughty boy!
Same for drinking water too. Nowadays, if Mommy gives him plain water to drink, Mommy will use the cup since Juan Or is not very keen to drink from the sippy cup anymore. Then Mommy will have extra work to do - wiping away those wet patches whenever he aims wrongly while pouring.
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9 months ago
Opps! Video appeared error on my screen!
Btw, pouring frm 1 container to another is another milestone for Juan Or! Well done Juan Or!!
Juan Juan loved it when she was much younger, I used to prepared macaroni and different containers for her to play with. It helps to improve her hand eyes coordination!
About the video not appearing, I think there's some internet problem somewhere becos I saw another mummy's blog also has the same error in her videos. Will rectify that later.
same over here
Can't see clearly from the video what titbits that he's pouring. But like Alice Law said - it's a good exercise for hands eye coordination. :)
Alice Law and Smallkucing, about the video not appearing, I guess it must be some technical problem on Google's side because now when I check it, it's OK already and I haven't do anything to rectify it.
Cheeyee, those titbits are cheese crackers in the shape of little fishes.
haha...more work for mummy to do !
mNhL, oh, yes, definitely! Clear the crumbs, wipe the floor if got oily stains, then wash Juan Or's hands if he used his hands to handle the food, wipe his mouth if neccesary, eat up whatever leftover tidbits that he didnt finish, put the containers back at their original location.....
We just have to become more patient nowadays...
Serline, oh yes, how true! :-)
Not naughty la... with all these experiments, Juan Or is actually learning :-)
BoeyJoey, yup, agree with you. he's sharpening his aiming skill.
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