Last week Friday, an Indian elderly lady neighbour who lived few houses away was taking an evening stroll with her granddaughter. Her granddaughter is only 11 days older than Juan Or. The neighbour lady stopped by at Grandma's house and along the way, Grandma carried the little toddler girl and showed her to Juan Or. Later on, when the little girl's grandma told her that it's time to go back, the little girl shook her head to refuse. So Grandma suspected that the little girl probably was eyeing for Juan Or's strawberry ball which his Second Uncle bought for him in Cameron Highlands. And indeed it was, Grandma handed her the strawberry ball and she took it immediately! But that's not all. Both Juan Or and the little girl played and along the way, Juan Or showed his selfishness and possessiveness of the ball by taking the ball away from her and throwing it elsewhere! Watch this video - the selfishness part was only at the beginning of the video after which Mommy waited for more selfish actions but there was none.
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10 months ago
Maybe Juan wanted to play with her by showing her how the ball bounce. But the little girl just wanted to hold on to the ball. This is the difference between a boy and a girl.
Juan Or was so busy walking around the house where the Indian girl just stood still. Hehehe...
Serline, ya hor, that's another way of looking at how he interacts with the Indian girl. ;-)
mNhL, yes, Juan Or is always busy walking around the house whenever he is awake, unless he's watching my laptop, then he will sit still.
I want that strawberry ball too. Last time i was in cameron, I saw tonnes of them. But that time no anak yet. Now.. somebody pls get me that ball if you are in cameron! hahaha
hahah.. no la Juan Or is not being selfish la.. he may just want to do some stunts... anyway, kids always have a way to communicate..
Merryn, hope you wishes come true!
Cynthia, well...true also lah. never how kids communicate. :-)
here my sweet....
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