This post is an outdated post. On 6th August, Mommy finally got the chance to record Juan Or showing off his kuasa kerbau (buffalo power - a term his Papa often use to express a sudden gush of physical energy) by using his full strength to hit his toy hammer onto the floor. Mommy rarely get the opportunity to videoshoot Juan Or doing this because usually, by the time Mommy is ready with the handphone's videocamera, Juan Or has already lost interest in doing his hammering. By the way, Juan Or started to be able to hold and hit the hammer when he was about 9 to 10 months old. Watch this video:
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10 months ago
Buffalo Power? Wuahahahhaah.. great term there Daddy!
Alice, i've dot com my craft blog. Care to link it up?
hi, alice. for the first time, i can't view the video. there was a message that says "...not available..."
i agree with merryn. the term "buffalo power" sounds GREAT :D
Watch out!! You don't wanna mess with the Buffalo Powered "B"!!
Wonder what's his reaction if Buffalo Powered "B" accidently hit himself with his own super power?!!
Merryn, nice and useful website on crafts for kids to do. OK, I'll link it up. Do check under the category of "Fun Stuff for Kids to Do!"
Ai-Ling, probably you can try loading the blog again other time. Sometimes this happens, dunno is it becos of busy internet line. :-)
Small Kucing, thanks for watching! :-)
Alice Law, I think if the Buffalo Powered B accidentally hits himself, I think he will end up as "Buffalo Crying B"!
Haha I bought the same hammer for Hao too. but end up Lynn plays it most of the time. :D
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