Remember how
Mommy bought a tools playset for Juan Or from the most recent Litt Tak Toy Warehouse Sale? This is how the tools playset looks like.
However, the packaging did mention that this playset is not suitable for children below 3 years old. Beause of this, Mommy has removed the bolts and nuts from the tools playset before giving it to Juan Or to play with.
Basically, this is how Juan Or plays with his tools:
1. Flexing the plier handles
2. Twisting and turning the adjustor of the clamp.
3. Putting on the safety goggles (Mommy has to put that on on him, but as soon as Mommy puts it on, Juan Or takes it out again - that's why the photo is blurred!)
4. Biting and chewing the clamp's adjustor.
5. Shoving the plier's handle into his mouth.....

.....and swinging the plier from side to side using the mouth!
And last is....
6. Throwing the tools everywhere all over the floor! (No photo for this...just use your imagination!)
P/S: Sorry....most of the photos are blurred because Juan Or just cannot keep still enough for Mommy to capture his photos :P
Haha~ never stop moving and playing with his tools playset!
Wakakaka! A future Engineer!
hehehe.. engineer in the making..
A good candidate for Dentistry,next time can make a fortune for mommy!! ;)
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