Friday, December 19, 2008
Washing the Mouth
Monday, December 15, 2008
Crying Over Spilt Milk
However, out of a sudden, when Mommy was talking to Papa, Mommy felt the container being strucked at and the milk spilt all over. Everything happened so fast. Juan Or's and Mommy's shorts were wet, the bed frame where Juan Or's head rested on while breastfeeding also had milk and there was milk all over the floor. What a mess! And Papa was angry with Mommy for not taking precaution and Mommy was very angry with Juan Or because he was still able to struck the container down even though Mommy was holding it.
Mommy scolded Juan Or. And Mommy can't help lecturing him about the spilt milk. Juan Or seemed to sense Mommy's anger. It all showed on his face - long, dull-looking face, sullen of sorts. And just before Mommy left the room, Mommy turned at Juan Or again and scolded him "Stupid!" (but later Mommy regretted saying it) and Juan Or jumped in startle.
This leads to another developmental milestone of Juan Or at 7 months of age - he is able to differentiate and react to friendly or unfriendly voice tone. He knows whether or not someone is scolding him.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Baby's Breath
The 'B' (Part 2)
The first 3 Bs remain.
The 4th 'B' for bite because Juan Or bites Mommy's nipple when breastfeeding!
And the 5th 'B' for bising because Juan Or makes noise when Mommy's attention goes away from him, even if it is just for a short while!
(See the picture but imagine the sound!)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Scholastic Book Fair in Midvalley Megamall
Along the way, Papa and Mommy stopped by the many Christmas deco spots in Midvalley Megamall. Unfortunately, Papa forgot to bring his proper camera, so had to make do with Mommy's handphone camera. Here are the results:

Mommy has no idea why this time the photos can be rotated in Mommy's computer file but remains unrotated when uploaded here :-( Mommy is at wit's end over how to solve this problem!
Mommy also got this advertorial Christmas story book for Juan Or. This colourful story book can be obtained free from Midvalley's leaflet booth near the BreadTalk choo-choo-train. The notable thing about this story book lies in how the advertisements of the sponsors are all weaved together to form a coherent story. It is the story of how a pair of siblings were brought by a clown who was asking for direction to go set up a Christmas carnival. So it was at the carnival setting where the advertorial elements were inserted. And finally the story ends with the siblings waking up from sleep feeling like the carnival was real and yet was a dream.

Finally, Papa and Mommy reached the Scholastic Book Fair. The booth was not very big. The books sold were all children books. Price-wise? Some were very cheap, some were OK price, but some not so. So, these are the books Mommy bought for Juan Or:

(Each book costs only RM1! Cheap and good!)

(The book on the left costs RM2 and the right RM3.)

(The book which was on the left is now bottom and vice-versa.)

(Each book costs RM3.)

Pun Chun Chicken Biscuit
Trip to 1 Utama: Buying Books for Juan Or

(This baby board book series is under MPH's "Buy 3 for the price of 2" promotion. Each book is tagged at RM9.90. Under this promotion, each book costs RM6.60....considerably cheap judging from its size, vivid colours, cute and large illustrations, and it being hard bound.)
(Mommy first saw these books in The Curve's MPH but had no time to buy them. Each book has 400 pieces of reusable stickers. Each book costs RM19.90.)
(The inside of the sticker book. Good activity book for pre-schoolers to play with stickers and at the same time enriching their vocabulary.)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
What is This Thing Called "Free Time"?
When you need a break, what comes closest to your favorite way to spend some free time?
and the option answers go like this:
- Hanging out with a good book
- Visiting with friends
- Something physical: biking, hiking, etc
- Catching up on a hobby
- Um, what is this thing you call "free time"?
Mommy thought for a while. For all the first four option answers, Mommy had not been doing them at all ever since Juan Or was born. Probably the only 'good book' that Mommy hanged out with was "reading theses", but heck that was WORK! "Sleep" seems the most appropriate answer but there's no option for that. So Mommy thought probably "sleep" doesn't count as free time here....probably "sleep" is a necessity and NOT "free time". So Mommy decided to check the last answer and click "Vote". And guess what? Out of 53 respondents so far, the majority vote (58%) goes to Um, what is this thing you call "free time"?
Hmmmm.....looks like Mommy is not alone after all.......
Monday, December 1, 2008
Juan Or and the TV Remote Control
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Gong Xi! Gong Xi!
Little Juan Or just can't wait for Chinese New Year! Christmas is not even here yet and here he is putting his little hands together to do Gong Xi! Gong Xi!
Actually, Juan Or does that gesture when he wants to hear his voice being muffled and unmuffled repeatedly (and as rapidly as possible)...much like how warrior Red Indians do to their voice when facing a battle.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Turning the Page
Anyway, below is just a representative photo of Juan Or reading the book with Mommy, but in sitting position:
This photo was taken when Juan Or was between 4 to 5 months old.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Putting Juan Or into Personalized Baby Movies
A-neh-neh (Part 2)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Juan Or is Teasing Mommy
The 'B'

Friday, November 21, 2008
Everybody Wants Kung Fu Fighting

And Juan Or indicated he had won. He had victory! Yay!

Sometimes, when Juan Or was sleeping, Papa and Mommy swear seeing Juan Or kicking while sleeping. Sometimes, Juan Or would cry (in defeat, perhaps?) or smile (in victory, perhaps?)while sleeping. Is Juan Or dreaming that he fought with other people? His Grandpa says that perhaps Juan Or could be a warrior or fighter in his past life.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Mommy's hands got "itchy" again!

Mommy's "itchy" hands story actually begins here:
The Anakku outlet also had a Best Value Sale going on for selected baby clothes, and this time was some nice Baby Mickey Mouse set suits (T-shirt and shorts in a set). The Best Value tag said,"2 suits for RM29.90." Meaning, one suit costs only RM14.95. Mommy recalled seeing The Store selling Baby Mickey Mouse set suits for RM18.90 each and that was supposedly offer price! The normal price on the cardboard price tag is RM26.90. So Mommy's hands got "itchy" and decided to buy from Anakku. Luckily, Papa occupied himself by pushing Juan Or on the baby stroller. Otherwise, Papa would have been fuming with impatience while waiting for Mommy to choose which designs to buy. By the way, Mommy bought the two suits at sizes 12-18 months and 1 year, respectively (actually both are of the same size although the size tagging seems different).
Finally, after paying for the Baby Mickey set suits, and stepping out from Anakku, Papa told Mommy that actually this type of sale is to 'cheat' people like Mommy. Yes.....Mommy knows that Juan Or already has sufficient number of clothes for his first toddler year, but most of them are for house wear (including those hand-me-downs from a colleague called Dr. Chan). As far as Mommy remembers (Mommy actually remembers in detail all clothes bought for Juan Or!), his 1-year old toddler clothes for jalan-jalan are:
- one Winnie the Pooh T-shirt (bought for RM5 at Hytex Warehouse Sale),
- one army set suit (Made-in-Thailand-type, bought for RM4.90 at a tenant in Central Supermarket) and
- one Little Koala collared T-shirt (bought for RM5 at a warehouse sale renting in Giant Taman Connought).
- one Kiko short pants (bought for RM10 from Kiko Warehouse Sale early this year)
- one blue colour Chinese New Year long sleeve and long pants suit (bought for RM2.98 at a stock clearance sale in Tesco) - not practical for jalan-jalan because the material cannot absorb sweat. Mommy bought it more for Chinese New Year photography purposes!
(See......Juan Or's neck is already too thick at 3 months old so much so the uppermost button has to be left undone!)
Other clothes that can both be used for jalan-jalan and house wear are:
- 3 singlets (with cute cartoon pictures) obtained as free gifts from the purchase of Hey Baby! disposable diapers and
- one Baby Mickey Mouse T-shirt (exclusively made for Carrefour type, bought for RM1 from Carrefour's stock clearance).
So Mommy thinks it's justified to buy only two more (no more buying after this!) set suits of the Baby Mickey Mouse type that can be used for jalan-jalan and festive season.
Hehehe....see.....Mommy is making excuses for herself again!
P/S: the way, those clothes for jalan-jalan can also be used for house wear, right? (Of course, the exception would be the CNY suit)
Monday, November 17, 2008
"Look! I'm a big boy now!"
Sunday, November 16, 2008
"I don't wanna go to sleep!"
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Juan Or Negotiating His Way Through Tight Corners
Ohhhh.....look at me! I'm walking! I can negotiate my way through tight corners! Let me go for Papa! Then let me go for Mama!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
De Quervain's Tenosynovitis Syndrome
Then on 9th November 2008 (Sunday), Sister-in law bought the November 2008 "Parenthood" magazine. An article that seems to describe my condition is there. So now I know what it's called: De Quervain's Tenosynovitis Syndrome. Web resource regarding this syndrome:
Anyway, Papa had been massaging the heat type of Axe Brand Oil into the affected areas. And the condition is improving. Mommy also had been taking precautions to carry Juan Or using strength from the elbow or using the edge of the bed to support Juan Or's head when breatfeeding.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Separation anxiety
Mommy gave Juan Or one last wave and put the car to first gear and started moving. Tears started rolling down Mommy's cheek. Poor baby! Having to experience separation at such young age. But Mommy has no choice. Mommy has to go to work to earn money. In this day and age, it is difficult to survive if only one parent is working. So Mommy has to work too to help Papa and so that baby can have a better life.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Juan Or Chatting with Papa
Thursday, October 30, 2008
'Tumbuk Cili'
In the wee hours of the morning at about 4.00 am, Mommy had already finished breastfeeding Juan Or but Juan Or refused to go to sleep and wanted to play. So Mummy left him on his mattress to play by himself. So he started pounding the floor repeatedly with his legs. A few days later, his paternal Grandma started mentioning about the pounding sound she heard that day and thought that this must be the work of some crazy neighbour who started pounding chilies (to prepare sambal for nasi lemak, perhaps?) during the wee hours in the morning, only to know later that it was actually her grandson's work!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Rock-a-bye Baby
After that, Mommy put Juan Or on the bed to lie next to Papa. Shhhhhh.....Papa was sound asleep! Juan Or put out his hand to pat on Papa's rib, chest and upper arm. Papa awakened a little and gave Juan Or a pat on his head and went back to sleep. Zzzzzzzz...........what a Papaboy!
Later on, Juan Or indicated that he wanted to suckle again. So Mommy cradled him in the arms to breastfeed him. Just before starting to suckle, Juan Or paused and looked at Mommy with a smile and then smiled again. How sweet! Mommy will never forget your loving smile. Mommy loves you, Juan Or!
After suckling, Juan Or struggled a little and Mommy quickly put him back to his mattress. Juan Or immediately zzzzzz........
Mommy quietly climbed to the bed, lay next to Papa and zzzzz........
It was 4.00 am.
A-neh-neh: Juan Or in Deepavali mood
Papa jokingly asked Mommy whether Mommy had taken the wrong baby home from the hospital. Mommy laughed and said,"Who knows....we could have taken a Brahmin baby home!"