There are many kinds of news out there - local news, foreign news, sports news, community news, fashion news, celebrity news, entertainment news, you name it! But Mommy is only passionate about one kind of news - price news. Everyday (or almost everyday) except Fridays, Mommy will settle for only The Sun newspaper. Why? Because The Sun is free and is readily available from Mommy's workplace.
However, when it comes to Friday, although The Sun is still available for free, Mommy would rather pay some money to buy The Star newspaper. Why? Because that's the day when all the major hypermarkets have their price news advertised! ^_^ Oh yes, Mommy indeed loves knowing what's going cheap for the weekend! Mommy a hypermarket freak! And if something's going cheap and is useful for us, then Mommy will make every effort to stop by and grab it! ^_^
Same goes for price news booklets that hypermarkets produce, especially by Tesco, Giant and Carrefour, and occasionally Central, Econsave and Hero. Whenever Mommy stops by any of these, Mommy is sure to take one to browse if still available.
Lately, someone else has also inherited Mommy's passion for price news.
Of course Mommy's price news revolves around groceries, but for a little person like Juan Or? It's TOYS! Yes, Juan Or loves browsing the Toys R'Us price news! ^_^
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10 months ago
Hmm, I think the price news is very useful, especially for mummies... ;)
Hayley, indeed! Mummies need to plan household expenses and plan time for shopping as well, so price news is very useful. ^_^
Now everything also naik harga. The Anmum up by RM15!.
Thanks for the mail. Received last week. Forgot to inform you :D
Juan Juan too, love catalogs, brochures and price news, indeed she learnt a lot from it(the other day in PC fair, she sapu a lot of it too and spent the whole afternoon browsing through)!
Now it's Ah Xuan's turn(but this boy only interest with colourful and fun toy or food brochures)!:)
haha....i love to browse the newspaper for PRICE NEWS too on every weekends. Maybe u can view via their websites?
Small Kucing, you're welcomed! :-D Yes, I agree, even common grocery items also naik already!
Alice Law, hehehe....Juan Or is only keen on toy brochures/leaflets/booklets. Other kinds of price news he's not interested. ^_^
mNhL, for weekend offers I relied on newspapers becos I notice if they are already uploaded into their websites, chances are it's already obsolete. Exception will be the fortnightly or weekly price news booklets - yes, can see them from website too.
Thank you for this piece of information, i really didn't know about this.
Usually, this kind of price news is good to be on Friday for it would be easier to plan our shopping over the weekend,right?
hey take care now and thank you for coming by, i will be back too
Eugene, you are most welcomed. Now when I reread my post, I hope you didn't misunderstand me....THe Sun won't have any price news. I get The Sun is to read the typical news without having to fork out money, but when it's Friday, I'll get The Star becos it not only has the typical news, but also price news (advertisements) of all three Tesco, Giant and Carrefour. Take care too.
Hello Alice, I guess you not the only one. Here my wife and most of the women around look forward to Fridays when store flyers are deposited either in our letter box or a special box for these....with all the latest on store, clothing etc.
You have fun and keep well. Lee.
Hey enjoy them too but most of the time I won't actually go to a specific place to buy a specific item just because it is slightly cheaper. I find it 'wasting petrol'. Some weeks back Tesco's Enfagrow was RM3 per tin cheaper than other hypermarkets and when we got there, they were sold out. End up we wasted petrol and came back empty handed... so now I don't really care, I just buy at Jusco (where my office is) although it is RM3 more as I save on petrol, time and won't get disappointed :-). But still, I love to see those adverts and compare the prices and laugh at how funny they can be when they are just a few cents different..
Hehehe... price news is one section that I would not missed in the papers. My hubb must be thinking I'm crazy when I get excited and talked to myself while reading papers. Hahaha!
Uncle Lee, LOL, I guess this ia a woman thing, or rather, a universal aunty type of things! :-D Take care too.
Kiasu Mom, I do agree with you about buying something elsewhere even if it is slightly more expensive since it is more convenient to get it there rather than at the place where you can get it cheaper but may be inconvenient or perhaps not get to buy it at all. If I were you, I would do the same too. For my case, I'm lucky to have all the 3 hypermarkets within the vicinity of where I travel to and fro from house to workplace.
Yvonne, LOL, just as I told Uncle Lee just now, this is an aunty-aunty kind of thing! ^_^
hhahaha...your mommy is a shopaholic eh?
Mommy to Chumsy, hehehe....yes, you can say I have some shopaholic streak in me! ^_^
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