Goggly! Goggly! This is Juan Or's latest favourite baby word. And Juan Or says it by rolling his tongue in a certain manner such that 'Goggly, goggly' is sounded continuously like a rattling machine. Mommy deosn't exactly know where or how Juan Or made up this word, but it certainly sounds like the name of his piggy plush toy, Gordy, which Mommy bought for him from the Win's Warehouse Sale some time back. Watch this video:
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10 months ago
vote :)
Sound exactly like the rattle I used to have, the one with a smiley face that swings side by side and... goggly goggly goggly~
Smallkucing, thanks for your vote! ^ ^
Alice Law, thanks for visiting! :-)
Hahaha...he is so cute.
So cute!
ahaha... his way to entertain you guys..
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