Just recently, Mommy found the idea to look for Barney and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse video clips in YouTube for Juan Or to watch. And Mommy managed to find a quite a handful of such video clips. So Mommy stayed on a little longer after office hours to download them. Of course, downloading these videos at home using the dial-up networking line is obviously not an option at all!
After Juan Or watched those newly downloaded videos, Mommy found that Juan Or is more keen on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse than Barney. Whenever Mommy turned on the Barney video clips, Juan Or would start fretting, telling Mommy to stop it. Surprisingly though, Juan Or enjoyed watching Barney in the babysitter's house (the babysitter has quite a collection of Barney VCDs). The babysitter even told Mommy that whenever she turned on a Barney singing programme, Juan Or would even dance along by lifting one leg up in a rhythmical manner. Back at home, whenever Mommy turned on the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Hotdog Song, Juan Or would start smiling and then shake his little body to dance to the beat. Watch this video of Juan Or dancing:
Please, dear readers, vote for Mommy in DiGi's Pimp My Broadband Contest (Videoblog category)! Mommy hopes to win a free 3-month subscription to DiGi's new broadband (plus a free broadband modem) so that Mommy doesn't have to stay on in office so late just to download things for Juan Or to watch. And just yesterday, while having lunch together with one of Mommy's ex-student, Mommy found out from him that there is a Chinese website that allows people to watch movies for free, but not downloadable of course! See if Mommy gets to win something from this contest, then Mommy will ask Keith Kor Kor (Brother) for that website. Then Juan Or will get to watch children programmes and cartoons live (and for free of course!) from that website in the comfort of the home!
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8 months ago
YX also love the Mickey Mouse hot dog song. He will dance to the tune. hehe...Good to have YouTube.
Toddlers like to dance to catchy music! Cute!
just voted for you. My god, i know i'm going to sound too mushy for my machismo like self but heck, your kid's cute.
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