Later on, Mommy asked Juan Or to call Mama and his Father asked him to call Papa. Instead, Juan Or called,"MA-BA" - a hybrid of Papa and Mama!

My Mommy wrote this blog to chronicle the events, developments and happenings in my life as a baby boy. There are special moments in seemingly ordinary events of my life....all recorded here.
(Front view)
(A bull hiding behind the flap.)
2. Who Goes Moo? - another board book with colourful illustrations with farm theme, so you can expect farm type of noises from farm objects for baby to learn. Sold with 30% discount, originally sold for RM4.90.
(Front view)
(Mommy loves the colourful illustrations and Juan Or seems to love this book the most because of the funny sound Mommy has to make when reading this book with him.)
3. Magnetic Counting Fun - this book has magnets for children to place according to their imagination and according to the story in each page. This book also has very colourful illustrations, but is suitable for children above 3 years old - when they no longer put things into their mouth! So, Juan Or cannot use this book yet. This book's original price is RM29.90 and sold with 30% discount.
(Front view)
(Mostly background scenary pictures for children to place magnets according to how the story goes.)
4. The Illustrated Musical Instruments Handbook - Mommy bought this book, partly because of Mommy's own interest since Mommy is also a piano teacher, and partly for Juan Or's future music education (but that's still a very long way to go!). This book's original price is RM39.90 and sold with 30% discount.
(Front view)
(This book has interesting stories, facts and history of almost all kinds of musical instruments - a good read for serious music students.)
So, all in all, Mommy spent RM63.40 in this sale.
The week before, Mommy saw a short article write-up about this sale in The Star newspaper. The article mentioned that MPH is giving out a free book to each of the first 10 customers on each day of the sale. The conditions were that the customer must produce the entire page of the newspaper article and the customer must purchase at least RM50 there. So since Mommy only reached there at 1.50 pm, Mommy did not hope too much to be the first 10 customers of the day to fulfill those conditions, but it turned out that Mommy did! And Mommy had indirectly learnt the trick on how to get free book: Go only on those days when the sale has started for quite a lot of days already, then you'll stand a bigger chance. Chances are that most people who want to claim for the free books will go on the first few days of the sale. After that, things will somehow 'cool down' - so that's when you 'attack'! Simple, right? Here's how the free gift book looks like (believe me, the book was even wrapped in gift wrapping paper!):
(A recipe book of quick and delicious creative cooking - all are Western style cooking which is not quite Mommy's taste, but Mommy will keep it anyway, just in case Mommy wants to venture into Western cooking in the future!)
(The whole package)
(The dolphin is hugging a heart-shaped cushion with Dumex's careline number printed on it so that you are less likely to lose their contact number for future communications!)
Upon checking the Danone Dumex website, Mommy found that apparently you can also register for membership online, but only for Malaysia and Brunei residents only. No proof of purchase is required, unlike Abbot Laboratories' (1 scoop) and Wyeth's (3 scoops) mummy clubs. And the cute plush dolphin toy is while stocks last only! So hurry!
(The entire package from the cushioned envelope.)
(A closer view of the prize.)
(A congratulatory note from Medbasics.)
(A peek into the contents of the book.)
(The book's outer cover can be folded into a small bag for you to hang at visible and convenient places in case of baby emergencies.)
Must include a photostated copy of the following documents (no need to certify true copy):
The place of registration is:
Pusat Pendaftaran (Projek TAWAS)
Tabung Warisan Anak Selangor (TAWAS)
Tingkat (LG), Bangunan Darul Ehsan
No. 3, Jalan Indah, Seksyen 14
40000 Shah Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan
So Mommy called up the TAWAS office and found these extra information:
So, what now? Mommy has to hurry up then! The application form can be downloaded here.
(Three plush toys in a hanglet, all for only RM2! What a bargain!)
(Juan Or sleeping with his Pooh security blanket.)
3. Teether cum Rattle
Only two designs were available: Mickey Mouse and Winnie the Pooh. However, the Mickey Mouse only had two units left whereas the Pooh was in abundance. Mommy grabbed both the Mickey Mouses (where one is for Juan Or and another for Ms. Stephenie's baby) and one piece of the Pooh. The teether part is actually the handle at the sideways of the rattle, though the teether is not as soft as those proper type of teether. The Disney figurines, however, are made of hard plastic, so is not meant to be the teether part. Price? RM1 per rattle! Very cheap and good for Disney toys!
(Each costs only RM1!)
4. Winnie the Pooh Plush Toy cum Rattle
(A close-up view of the Pooh plush toy cum rattle.)
(Juan Or enjoying his Pooh toy.)
(Another photo of Juan Or playing with his Pooh toy.)
(Wiggling toys, each at RM2.)
6. Soft Rattles of Eeyore, Tigger and Piglet
These are rattles that also serve as plush toys. Winnie the Pooh, again, was not available. Price? RM2 each! Very cheap and good! Mommy saw a baby stock clearance sale in Leisure Mall Cheras selling similar types of soft rattles (but not Disney characters) for RM6.90 each. So what Mommy got here in Litt Tak is really, really good buy! The brand is also Playgro (Australia).
(Each priced at only RM2! Cheap and good!)
7. Multiple Texture Plush Toy
(Still in the packaging.)
(Front view)
(Back view)
8. Mickey Mouse Stacking Cups Toy
There's only one unit of Mickey Mouse left (Mommy quickly grabbed it!) and the rest are Winnie the Pooh. Price? RM10. Mommy's not very sure whether it's really cheap or not, but should be cheap-lah, considering it's Disney type of toys.(Mickey Mouse stacking cup toy)
9. Gun with Felt Bullets
Mommy saw this toy together with the Pooh plush toys and rattles that Mommy mentioned just now. Price? RM2. This toy is meant for Juan Or to play when he is much bigger and older.
(Gun with felt bullets for only RM10.)
10. Robot Transformable Train
Mommy bought this, again, in view of Juan Or reaching a much older age. The brand is Takara Tomy and costs RM5. Obviously, Mommy doesn't know whether there's any "Hikarian Railroad" cartoon on the TV screen or not, but anyway, just buy-lah since it's selling for a cheap price!(Still in the packaging)
(The two parts join together to form a train.)
(The two parts detached and opened up.)
(A closer view of the robot portion.)
All in all, Mommy spent only RM48 for all these toys! Good bargain! Ooohhh, Mommy loves buying things at a bargain! By the way, this time, Litt Tak stocked up a lot of Thomas and Friends sets at a reasonably cheap price (compared to Jusco), but not as cheap as a mere RM10 or so. These sets cost RM45, RM55, RM60, RM70, RM80, RM150 up to RM300 in the Litt Tak sale. But this time, Mommy is not giving in to the temptation of buying Thomas and Friends because Mommy already bought a Thomas and Friends Starter Set (RM55) for Juan Or in the previous Litt Tak sale in December 2008.
How about the crowd and the queue? The answer is good - no crowd and the queue at most is only 3 to 5 customers long (so much unlike Mattel Warehouse Sale with its horrendous crowd and queue)! However, the place is quite crammed with toys with only small passageways for people to walk and browse the toys. Mommy reckons that probably because Litt Tak sounds chinaman, so most people think they can't find good toys there. Anyway, Mommy doesn't care about Fischer-Price toys (found in Mattel Warehouse Sale). The hell with Fischer-Price toys! It's not worth it to go brave against the wave of horrendous crowd just to grab Fischer-Price toys (which are not that cheap also in the warehouse sale) and then queue for something like 3 hours just to pay for the toys!
By the way, just a sidetrack, although Mommy knows that this is none of Mommy's business, but Mommy can't help mentioning what Mommy observed at Litt Tak. When Mommy was done with the purchases and walked out from the building, Mommy noticed that there were no more Winnie the Pooh Security Blanket left (the blanket was placed just outside the building entrance). Mommy clearly remembered that after choosing the Pooh blankets (Mommy bought two pieces of it, remember?), there were three more left. Now it looked like all were sold out. But on a closer look, Mommy saw one empty blanket box and the see-through cover already detached from the box and the blanket was gone! What do you think happened? Go figure out yourself!
Mommy also managed to capture a video of Juan Or with his tonguing acts.
(Many, many thanks to Red Zena for allowing Mommy to use this handsome bulldog photo!)
And no one does the bulldog face better than Juan Or! (Yes, Mommy has tried pulling the bulldog mouth before but it looks horrible!)
Mommy recalled seeing one bulldog in Facebook's virtual pet by the name "Bulldawg". So don't say CHEESE, say BULLDAWG!
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