Juan Or is one little boy who is fond of stacking objects 'as high as the KL Tower' just to test the balance and perhaps stability. If it crashes, then he will start stacking all over again to reach the maximum point where the 'tower' will be as high as possible, yet won't tumble down.
This was his creation yesterday. Actually, the four bottom most containers (actually are containers for playdough) were originally stacked by Papa. Then upon seeing the opportunity, Juan Or started stacking more things - adding one more playdough container and a kettle. But don' be deceived by the kettle. The kettle was not merely an empty kettle, it contained many magnetic alphabets inside. He carefully inserted the magnetic alphabets one by one into the already stacked kettle. ^_^ By the way, Juan Or is a big boy already. He seems to know how to pose for the camera these days, and with his trademark cheeky smile too! ^_^
This is the full set of his 'Toyland creation'. He is fond of arranging his whatever odds-and-end toys, including objects that he salvaged from the kitchen (like the Fruit Tree empty bottle and microwaveable plastic container), onto the tea table. If Mommy attempts to move or take away any of these from his 'creation', he will appear slightly agitated and wants to grab it back from Mommy!
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10 months ago
LOL! When I zoomed at the pictures closely, I found it's almost girly toys you have got him! According to old wives tales, you will be highly likely to conceive a baby girl for your next pregnancy leh~!^-^
Juan Juan used to love stacking too, but with all my groceries!=_=
Have a nice day!
Alice Law, LOL! Hahaha....we shall see if the old wives tale is true if there is indeed a 2nd pregnancy in the future! By the way, what you see here so happen are girly toys becos his cooking set toys are mostly scattered downstairs while his boy toys (DIY playsets, die-cast cars, other toy cars) are mostly upstairs together with those unisex toys.
P/S: Or maybe Juan Or is showing the typical Hailam trait whereby Hailam people historically have been known to be involved in food & beverage industry? That probably explains why he loves to play with cooking sets. Hehehe!
This must be somekind of toys that Juan Or would not leave his hands off, right?
i think it is very good for them to explore all all these educational toys,rather then those pc stuff.
hey have a great week ahead ya
He got very nice mini cooking set. My girl will love it! haha
Eugene, yup, you are right, these are the toys that he fiddles almost everyday! Have a grat week ahead too. :D
mNhL, LOL! As what Alice Law also said, these are girly toys but are play by a boy. Actually I bought them from Litt Tak Warehouse Sale. The vege and fruits have velcro for you to cut them apart.
hahaha can balance so well :D
Smallkucing, yup, he loves balancing things. :-)
Hi Alice:
How old is Juan now?.. My youngest girl is 1 year 6 mths old now and very persistance on whatever she wants to do... No "no" or else she'll cry... uugghh...
Ummu, he is 2 yrs 5 mths old. Oh, yes, my son was persistent and is still persistent now. Yes, I can understand how you feel. LOL! I guess little children are very determined to show adults what they can do and they are very curious also, that's why they behave like that.
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