Recently people have been falling sick here and there, Juan Or and Mommy included - the usual cough, sore throat and flu that comes over and over again. But both Juan Or and Mommy are also experiencing another kind of fever - the Transformers Fever!
These are the ways both Juan Or and Mommy tended to the fever......
1. Went to Parkson at Subang Parade to see Transformers toys, took photos with a Transformers standing poster.....
.....and thereafter to Toys R'Us at Empire Shoppng Gallery for another round of Transformers toy sight-seeing and poster pix session with.........Bumblebee!......
......and Optimus Prime!
Well, Juan Or was so excited and energetic about the whole Transformers toy sight-seeing trips that he was totally knocked out upon reaching home. Guess he needs to recuperate from the fever! ^_^
2. Made a second time visit to the Chevrolet showroom in Puchong to see Camaro-Bumblebee again!
This time Juan Or remembered to bring along his toy Camaro-Bumblebee to compare with the real Camaro and also to show off his toy to the car executives on duty! ^_^
Other 'accompanying symptoms' include making funny faces....
....and checking at every nook and cranny of the car to look for any sign of robotic life.
And then a pose with Sentinel Prime!
3. Went to TGV cinema at Sunway Pyramid Shopping Centre and spotted this 3D Transformers deco.
Here's the same deco but taken from another angle.
Then Juan Or also spotted this Transformers popcorn and drink combo package at the F&B section of the cinema.
Well....he insisted that Mommy should capture a photo of him with the combo package as well. *Slap forehead!* What an odd photo composition here.....
4. Juan Or also asked Mommy's permission to have Bumblebee and Sentinel Prime accompany him in bed for his night time sleep.
5. Even insisted that Mommy should capture a photo of him as the peacemaker of the Optimus Prime vs. Megatron fight! ^_^
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9 months ago
16 comments: fad ah? no more Thomas & Friends?
OPTIMUS PRIME figurine!!! I want!! LOL... but Da Nin Boh Ji boi wor... paiseh! Juan Or, you are a super lucky boy to hv such generous and loving mommy to share your passion!
I also cannot wait to watch Transformer this Friday night!!
So cute! :) How much you got these Transformers?
Small Kucing, yes, new fad, but his interest in Thomas and Friends is still there (it's just that I didn't continue to blog about Thomas, otherwise it's going to bore my blog readers! ^_^). Every night as 3 of us are watching TV in master bedroom, he would arrange all his Thomas series of choo-choo trains at the bed frame's footer. Every time when we visit Toys R'Us and Jusco toy section also he will still quickly make a dash for the THomas toy section.
Juan Or is sure luck kid. We only had plastic toys less than 2 inches tall. Life is like that different times have different 'fever'. hahaha.
I watched Transformer 2, but not 1. Not sure will watch Transfomer 3 or not.
Alice Law, hehehe....that's because I'm working loh, otherwise if I'm full time housewife, I don't think I'm willing to come out that kind of money loh ^_^. By the way, I'm also a toy collector (besides being a book collector), so I actually bought them both for collection and for child's play. But I'll only allow him to play the bigger figurines under supervision becos the figurines will serve as collection later on. Whether I collect a particular toy or not is based on personal liking of the cartoon/movie or character and also its build-up or 'engineering' qualities.
Hayley, enjoy your coming movie outing! As for me, I'll wait till off-peak season to bring Juan Or watch Transformers 3. Otherwise if tak jadi go cinema is wait for hubby to get blu-ray Transformers 3 becos hubby is a Transformers movie collector.
Broccoli Ginger, big Transformers with difficulty level 3 (out of 3) is RM229.90 each, medium size with difficulty level 2 (out of 3) is RM119.90 each. With all that purchases, managed to get RM120 toy vouchers from Toys R'Us during their recent promotion period for Starcard members. *paiseh...,now everyone is going to think I'm a spend thrift!* ^_^
Bananaz, oh, yes, he is definitely very very much luckier than I was at childhood. My parents are the type who thinks it's a waste to spend money on toys - except for my mum who bought me Lego for doing well in my studies, but she still considers other toys as waste of money though....hehehe.
Sheoh Yan, actually I never watched Transformers 1 & 2 before until recently my son's interest in Transformers pricked my interest in it. That's when hubby saved a copy of the entire movie (from his DVD collection) into the lap top's hard disk, then I watched it together with Juan Or.
Hi Alice, I guess boys will go for all this hi-tech toys. Can see he's having fun too.
Love that pic of him with his tiny towel sarong, ha ha.
I enjoyed the pics here.....
You are good with a camera.
Have a nice day.
Wah... the fever is really high lor!! Wakakaka!
I like the whole Autobots and Decepticons. Have been watching Transformers since I was young.... Don't mind if they abduct me to their planet, lol!
Hello Young Boy You Looks Amazing .
Wah! Betul-betul transformer fever...
Uncle Lee, thanks for your compliments. Anyway, sometimes, off and on, you can still spot flaws in the photos I show here e.g., over exposure or too dark. By the way, I only had a handphone camera to take photos with. :-D
Yvonne, LOL, now instead of "Mars Needs Moms", perhaps we can have "Cybertron Needs Moms"! ^_^
Tubal Reversal Surgery, thanks.
Prince and Princess mum, yup! ^_^
what an interesting kind of fever! ha ha
Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits.
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