"Yeh, Yeh! I, Sir Lancelot, have finally found my jousting stick!"

My Mommy wrote this blog to chronicle the events, developments and happenings in my life as a baby boy. There are special moments in seemingly ordinary events of my life....all recorded here.
"Yeh, Yeh! I, Sir Lancelot, have finally found my jousting stick!"
When we were about to leave, Mommy's mum gave Mommy some Christmas presents and a stainless steel 40cm Chinese wok for Mommy to start a new home. Thanks, Mum! Mommy will gladly accept the gifts although Mommy has already equipped the new house with tableware and kitchen utensils. Here are some snapshots taken when Mommy took the gifts to the new house for storage:
Look who's there! It's Papa and Juan Or at the cacti roundabout.
Another side of the cacti roundabout.
"Hey, Juan Or! Don't you run away! Mommy wants to take a picture of you!"
What's going on between Juan Or and Papa? Juan Or was instructing Papa how to pose, perhaps?
Juan Or looked quite reluctant to pose for the camera.
Juan Or and Mommy at the cacti roundabout.
Another scene of the garden.
Mommy also captured a video of Juan Or walking along the labyrinth-like garden pathway looking for his Papa:
Technology has allowed things to be done fast and conveniently. Previous internet technology was dialed-up networking which was slow and noisy (Kenny Sia actually mimicked the dial-up noisy dialling tone!), but now is taken over by the broadband, so internet surfers get to surt more things for less time. Technology has also allowed resources from all over the world to be within your finger tips and at your perusal which is especially an important thing for people in education. Technology is also changing the way how people find their romantic partner.
Aviation, television, camera, GPRS and telescope.
Answers ranges from as little as 10 hours per day to all the time!
After the top 5 bloggers have answered Will Quah's questions, finally the Q&A session was opened to the floor. Someone from the audience asked,"So many good things have been talked about computers, internet and technology, what about the bad side?" To this question, most of the top 5 bloggers agree that privacy and identity theft is a big problem. RedMummy particularly mentioned about her encounter with an SMS stalker and Cynthia about how her photo and profile appeared in a social networking site that she never registered for in the first place!
As time was running out, Will Quah closed the Q&A session, but reminded the audience that should they have some more questions, they can always catch up with the top bloggers later on. Then came the closing speech by Mr. Low Sin Yip, the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Director of Microsoft Malaysia and finally, both Mr. Danny Lee and Mr. Low Sin Yip launched the 'Blog-A-Trend' contest. Want to know more about the HP "Blog-A-Trend" contest? This is a competition held in four countries across Asia (China, Korea, Malaysia and Singapore) to identify trends already impacting or about to impact our future. Interested participants can blog about any of the following topics:
So aspiring bloggers who blog about this (of at least 300 words) and is able to spark the most conversations online about the trends blogged will stand a chance to win either HP TouchSmart 600 All-in-One Desktop PC worth RM4988 (Grand Prize) and HP Minis by Studio Tord Bontje worth RM1599 (both 2nd and 3rd Prize). The blog link should be send to cheryl.yab@hillandknowlton.com.my latest by 17th January 2010.
Besides this, Will Quah also announced that a live chat session (you will have to log in with your MSN ID to do that) will be held on 16th December 2009 at 9.30pm to 10.30pm for people to come together to discuss about future trends in the online community.
After all the announcements by Will Quah, the party ends with a networking session among bloggers alike and HP personnels. During this time, Mommy saw the top bloggers and other bloggers mingle among themselves and with HP personnels. On a personal note, Mommy must commend HP personnels for being very professional, appproachable and ready to assist you without you asking. Mommy was looking at a particular HP notebook on display and was approached by a HP personnel. It's not like Mommy had to approach a HP personnel to know more about a HP model, instead the HP personnel approached Mommy just at the right time! Mommy also had the chance to have a short chat with Meera the RedMummy because Mommy has a common ground with her - we are mothers and we blog about our children! By the way, during our chat, RedMommy mentioned that she noticed Mommy from the stage. In Mommy's heart, Mommy wondered was is because Mommy looked the most Aunty-like person there? Hehehehe....
Anyway, Mommy had an enjoyable time at the event, the forum was a good avenue for exchange of ideas, thoughts and opinions from people not in the education industry, the cocktail served at Rootz was tasty, the ambience at Rootz was a pleasant first-time experience for Mommy (hey, Mommy is a club virgin!) and even the landscape just outside Rootz was full of lush greenary in the midst of concrete buildings and landmarks, in line with HP's eco-friendly drive. And one more thing - the HP organizer is very thoughtful. When guests left Rootz, each was presented with a free limited edition umbrella to protect from rain , just in case (and perhaps perpetrators!), knowing that most guests probably had to walk quite a distance (in the night) from Lot 10 to their whatever means of transport. Thank you HP for the enjoyable and meaningful experience and freebies!
This is the limited edition HP umbrella given to each guest just before they leave the event.
Thank you to HP for the enjoyable and meaningful experience (and the free goodies too!)
The lush greenary of Rootz's landscape amidst the concrete jungle which is in line with HP's drive for being eco-friendly despite going for technology sophistication.
The networking session
By the way, Mommy reached home at 10.45pm. Once home, Mommy could see Grandpa rocking Juan Or to sleep. Mommy peered over to see Juan Or. Juan Or was obviously not asleep yet, though he appeared to have settled down already. So Mommy asked Grandpa whether Juan Or had been good the whole night even though Mommy's not around? "Oh, yes" was Grandpa's answer.
Juan Or's favourite - Calci-yum!
Ah, here's Calci-yum coming!
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