Although Big Bad Wolf had just opened for the day, there were quite a large number of people there already, but not crowded though. This time, book arrangement was organized into categories such as children, self-help, novels and business (unlike last time where there was no such indication). The magazine section was sort of independent (even though it is still under Big Bad Wolf's jurisdiction) where you will have to pay for it first before taking it with you as you continue to browse the book section. Magazines of Year 2009 are sold at RM5 and Year 2008 at RM3. Paperback novels are sold at RM8, some hardcover ones even at RM5!
As for children section, Mommy guessed most of the good baby/toddler/young children books were all taken up already. What was left were mostly books for older children (ages 8-16) sold for RM8 per book. The only baby/toddler books left were some tab board books sold at RM5 per book, but Mommy didn't buy them because Juan Or already has lots of board books at home. There was also a set of bilingual (English-Chinese) picture dictionary/vocabulary books for young children (ages 4-8) sold for RM3 per book (very cheap!), to which Mommy bought everything in that series. Mommy also saw two books sold at RM2 each which are more like social studies text books for Singaporean school children. Mommy was very tempted to buy them because of the nice presentation, beautiful and sharp photographs, the level of English is very suitable for upper primary school children and the contents serve as good general knowledge about Singapore, but Mommy finally decided against buying them as they are not too relevant for Juan Or now or even in the future because the facts in them may be obsolete by the time Juan Or is ready to read them!
Now, what's missing this time? Mommy can't see any cheap colouring books on sale this time. The only colouring book (coupled with an activity pad) sold was Uncle Horton's (those Dr. Seuss type of series) at RM10, which is not very cheap. Last time, Mommy saw Open Season colouring book sold for RM2, Open Season full colour story book for very young children sold at RM2 and some cartoon/movie character annual book (hardcover) sold at RM5. But this time, the Pokemon annual book which Mommy saw also in last time's sale is sold at RM8 instead! This time, Mommy also can't see any parenting books on sale, but Mommy could be wrong because Mommy didn't have much time to browse thoroughly. As for children's hardcover books, Big Bad Wolf is selling them for RM8 each - reasonably cheap, though not the cheapest Mommy has ever encountered (the cheapest was Crescent Warehouse Sale at RM3 per book).
Here's what Mommy bought for Juan Or (purchases are in view of usage in another 8 to 10 years ahead...hehehehe!):

Mickey and Minnie Mouse vibrating plush toys-cum-cloth books, each for RM8. These are the last units that Mommy managed to grab.

Each at RM3.

These 8 thin books are sold in a set for RM8 (in other words, RM1 per book). The contents are simple stories in large print for very young readers.
Each at RM8, all are hardcover books except for 'Good English'. The 'Anita Cooking With Love' title is for Mommy, all others are for Juan Or.'The Scientist' and 'Scientific American' imported magazines (left side top and bottom) for Mommy's reading, each at RM5, books at right side are for Juan Or. Top right is RM5, and bottom right are RM1 each.