Ever since starting kindergarten, Mommy noticed Juan Or has a 'girlfriend' already! Yes, you are reading it right....a 'girlfriend' at this tender age! Every schooling day, Juan Or would insist on sitting at the sofa of the reception area and wait for his classmate 'girlfriend', TYY to arrive. Sometimes, Mommy would teasingly ask him if he wants to go into class with one Tiffany (also his classmate) or not. He shakes his head and insists that he wants to wait for TYY only!
Finally when TYY arrives, they will hold hands and walk into their classroom.
And she will help Juan Or to put his water bottle on the cabinet, ......
and also help him with his school bag!
What a sweet girl!
But what baffles Mommy is after the 'morning ritual' is done, both of them go their own way - she does her things and he his things, and don't really talk to each other in class! O_o
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10 months ago
hahah.. so cute! :)
Broccoli Ginger, *smiles*.
wah ....:)
Small Kucing, hehehe!
Best friend for 30 minutes every morning? Then separate for own path afterwards? Weird.... :p
Yes she is a sweet girl!
haha.. so cute! macam married couple.. after the formality, they go their own way! lol..
This is called pure love. :D
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