My Mommy wrote this blog to chronicle the events, developments and happenings in my life as a baby boy. There are special moments in seemingly ordinary events of my life....all recorded here.
Currently, Litt Tak is holding her toys warehouse sale again (till this Sunday) and Mommy, being a fan of Thomas and Friends toys, is sure to be there.
Sadly this time, although there is variety in the kind of Thomas and Friends toys offered, nevertheless, the kind of price cut offered is by far the worst ever Mommy encountered compared to all other previous Litt Tak warehouse sales. Previously, the warehouse sale prices offered are at least 25% discount, but usually are 30% lower than what you see in Jusco and Toys R'Us. However, the current one is only 10% to 11% cheaper than normal retail.
The only good Thomas and Friends deal this time is the Stanley set, selling for RM60 (normally retailed at RM99.90 and previous Litt Tak sale price was RM75).
Mommy saw another good deal too. It's the Power Rangers figurines, selling for only RM2! So Mommy bought two characters only just for fun, after all Juan Or isn't exactly crazy about Power Rangers.
However, when Juan Or laid his eyes on them, boy was he crazy about Power Rangers to the point of bringing the figurines with him to sleep and no forgetting, showing off the figurines to the other boy whom the babysitter is also taking care of! ^_^
Not just that, when Mommy handed the figurines to Juan Or, Mommy was surprised to hear Juan Or labelling the green one as 'man' and the blue one as 'woman', which is factually correct according to the illustration and labels on the figurines' packaging. As if saying 'man' and 'woman' is not enough, he went on to show that if 'man' and 'woman' are together, they must 'KISS!'
Huh, now Mommy knows where does Juan Or's level of knowledge/perception on man-woman sexuality stand! ^_^
P/S: If you are keen to go to Litt Tak warehouse sale, see the details here.
This holiday camp is the last of the holiday programme organized by UCSI's Child Development Centre (CDC) for the year 2011. The holiday camp was for 5 days from 9.00 am to 12.30 pm, fee was RM250 for all 5 days, food provided everyday during morning break and the kids work together with the same group of friends everyday unlike the previous holiday programmes organized before this.
As usual, Mommy enrolled Juan Or for this camp as a preparation for him to go to school officially next year. This round, Juan Or showed his eagerness to go to school when Mommy was driving him there, but once we reached the school, Juan Or became clingy and insisted on Mommy sitting around with him first before entering class. Of course there were initial cryings from Juan Or when the teacher took him in, but luckily he adapted himself quickly.
Many kinds of activities were conducted during the camp such as music and movement, speech and drama, kinder cooking, kinder science, fun play,, arts and craft, water play and telematch. Mommy couldn't be there to see him do the activities, otherwise he would become very clingy and refuse to cooperate during class. ^_^ So these are the photos snapped by the teachers so that Mommy can see what he did there without having to be there!
Making snowman (and X-mas tree but Mommy has yet to snap his end product photo) .....
Rolling on the exercise mat during fun play and dance session.....
Kinder science experimenting on different densities of different kinds of liquid.....
Mommy isn't exactly sure whether this is painting or playing with gooey chocolate, but he sure is enjoying himself!
Telematch......passing the bowl around? Or perhaps passing the ball around using the bowl?
Another telematch scene.....probably the kids were asked to sit down to rest first before another game starts.
A reward (Cars stickers) for winning some games in the's Juan Or with the Headmistress, Ms. Adeline Tan.
The week after that (but the camp was already over), when Mommy was driving him, Juan Or asked to go to school. So Mommy answered,"Soon, Juan Or. Next year you will be going to school everyday!"
For those who followed Mommy's adventures and hoards at the recent Big Bad Wolf Books sale, you can surely expect Mommy to go for the aftermath sale as well. Well, yes indeed, being the bargain hunter that Mommy has always been! This aftermath sale's objective is to clear out all leftover stocks from the recently-held sale in MAEPS, Serdang. And the good news is that all books are sold each at nothing more than RM5!
This aftermath sale is held at South City Plaza and starts at 10am. Mommy had an unpleasant encounter with one rude and bossy aunty driving a big four-wheel drive when looking for parking in the mall. The parking lot is where people round their cars to look for empty parking lots and here is one rude aunty who is ever-ready to honk fiercely! Then to get out of her way, Mommy diverted slightly towards a section where there is a no-entry sign so that she can head into the correct path and speed all she wants at the parking bay. For that, the rude aunty also has to show her bossy side by giving another fierce honk at Mommy as if saying that Mommy has no right to divert the car to the no-entry direction! Bugger! This is what Mommy has to say to the rude and bossy aunty who seems to think she's all so important and grand - "If you think your time is so precious such that nobody can be in front of you, then why go for this kind of sale? Better go for book stores like MPH, Borders or Popular during their normal business hours where there's no long queue and no crowd! Some more you can afford to own a big four-wheel drive vehicle, why have to come fight with poor people to buy cheap books!?"
Putting the unpleasant parking encounter aside, there was already a long queue at the sale even at 10+am. To avoid the queue, Mommy went to Watsons first to buy something before heading back to the sale. Luckily by then, the queue had dispersed. There were really lots of people there and the walking pathways between display tables are very narrow, so it was quite difficult to walk from one display table to another. And because of the extreme crowd, Mommy only concentrated on the children's section and did not at all bother to venture to the other genres' tables. Most display tables have their books all turned haphazardly. Despite the chaos, Mommy still managed to find some decent books for Juan Or.
These books (10 books altogether) each at RM2. Eight of them are Scholastic books. Mommy is happy to have found some books on Scooby-Doo, Bearenstain Bears and Fluffy the Classroom Guinea Pig. The book at the far bottom right is a postcard book. It contains 30 pull-out postcards. Maybe Juan Or can use them next time when writing to pen-pals (that's if he wants to have pen-pals!).
Here are another 3 books, each at RM3. Two of them (Duck Soup and the one with choo-choo train picture) are hard-cover books and the Safari one is a fact-cum-sticker book.
So total price is RM29 for 13 books, but because Mommy has OCBC credit card, Mommy got extra 5% discount, so paid only RM27.55.
How about the queue? Well, the queue was HORRENDOUS! Mommy started queuing at 11.35am, but only got Mommy's turn at 12.45pm! So this sale is definitely not advisable for people who are not fit, sickly or who are in their middle and late pregnancy (depending on the pregnant mum's fitness level) at least during the 'hot period' of the sale. Imagine standing on your feet for more than an hour to get your turn and in low-oxygen condition some more! You have to be fit to survive in this sale!
How about parking fee in South City Plaza? It's only RM1 for up to 12 hours of parking - cheap!
Would Mommy ever go for another Big Bad Wolf aftermath sale in the future? Highly unlikely.
Juan Or and Little Sprout, holding hands as they walked up the hilly tea plantation at Boh's Tea Centre at Sungei Palas, Cameron Highlands.
Not too long ago, Papa, Mommy and Juan Or had organized a one-day big family trip to northern Perak to visit the beautiful cave temples. However, after further discussion with Little Sprouts' parents, we finally decided to go to Cameron Highlands instead to enjoy the mountainous view and the fresh mountain air. However, in as much as we would like to stay overnight in Cameron Highlands, we could not do so because the hotel stay (let's say minimum 3-star type) for 7 adults and 3 kids would not come cheap! The cost of hotel stay for 7 adults and 3 kids in just one night can easily come up to RM800 to RM1000!
Just yesterday, Mommy discovered this Malaysian travel website called iBilik. This website offers apartments, homestays and budget hotels for short term rental in Cameron Highlands at affordable and economical prices. The good thing about the accommodation is that they are fully furnished, can fit a variety of maximum number of people (maximum from as few as 2 people to as many as 15 people!) and most of them offer cooking facilities as well so that you can still enjoy home-cooked food (and save money!) even though far away from home. And their rental prices are very attractive too, ranging from RM180 per apartment per night for maximum 10 people to RM320 per apartment per night for maximum 15 people! But of course if you are looking for more comfortable accommodation akin to villa, this website also offers RM750 per family villa per night for maximum 4 people, which is still cheaper than actually staying in a hotel-type villa. So if you are going for vacation as a big family and staying overnight, then Mommy recommends browsing this website for good accommodation offers.
Well, had Mommy discovered this website earlier, we could have gone for overnight stay in Cameron Highlands without having to burn a big hole in the pocket!
There you have it, it's Puss in Boots in 3D version! For those who have been following Mommy's blog for some time, you can probably guess it's another blogging contest held by Nuffnang and United International Pictures Malaysia.
In any story, there always are the bad guys causing some havoc and chaos, and then the hero (and/or heroin) comes to save the day! Imagine Mommy in the form of this cute kitty with big doleful eyes.....
....small-bodied, yet saves the day!
The question of the day: How to defeat the bad guys if Mommy takes the roles of Puss and Kitty Softpaws (Puss' female feline partner)? Here's how according to sequence:
1. Go find the Wizard of Oz and ask for his help to make money that has magical power. The magic money is only workable on the named bad guys whereas anyone else not named will not be affected by the magic money. What magical power does the money have? Anyone named during the spell-making of the magic money will be turned into mice the moment the money is touched. If Wizard of Oz is reluctant to make the magic money, never mind, Puss can give him the big, doleful eyes look. Otherwise Kitty Softpaws can give him her female feline charm! What if Wizard of Oz still resist? Never mind, go find Merlin to do the job. What if Merlin also rejects the job? Never mind, go find the local bomoh to do it - chances are, at least one of them will fall for Kitty Softpaws' feline charm! ^_^
2. Once the magic money is at hand, just scatter them on the road where the bad guys are known to be around. The bad guys are sure to come to pick the money! Tell Mommy, who doesn't need money to use? Everyone needs to use money. Even the bad guys are no exception!
3. The moment the bad guys touch the money, they turn into mice! Voila! Then Puss and Kitty Softpaws can pounce on them and have a feast of their lifetime!
Simple, eh? Just use some wit and feline charm to do the trick - nice and clean! ^_^
Oh and by the way, Juan Or is sure to be happy and thrilled to see Humpty Dumpty in action too! Humpty Dumpty is Juan Or's favourite nursery rhymes character.
This is Mommy's favourite photo - the photo that captures Mommy's happiest moment.
It was Juan Or's infectious laughter and giggles that makes Mommy's happiest moment - something that Mommy wants to capture forever. Well, you may be wondering now what made Juan Or so happy that made Mommy so happy too. It's none other than seeing monkeys swinging around at close range in Bukit Melawati, Kuala Selangor!
Though this happiest moment was just as simple as watching the monkeys swinging around, nevertheless, this is the story behind Juan Or’s infectious laughter and giggles.
Juan Or was about 1 year 1 month old when his walking ability became somewhat established. What started to be like the Frankenstein walking style.....
......improved by leaps and bound to be more and more like how a human kid walks. With his walking skill getting more and more polished, so did his appetite for physical adventure. He began to explore (and imitate) jumping, skipping and whatever ‘funny’ leg movements that he saw both on the television screen and also in real life.
One ‘leg activity’ that Juan Or particularly liked most was jumping on the bed, most probably because of the springing sensation it gave. Mommy had warned him countless times before not to get too carried away with ‘the activity’ lest he falls down and hurts himself. However, the countless warnings all fell on deaf ears. Mommy even resorted to teaching him about the consequences with the nursery rhyme on monkeys jumping on the bed which sounds like this:
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mama called the doctor and the doctor said
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"
Or if you prefer to hear the nursery rhyme in the form of song and video, here is one from You Tube.
As if to mock Mommy, Juan Or would merely laugh out loud and parrot the nursery rhyme as he continued his jumping. Mommy wondered when he will ever learn. *Sigh!*
Then, one day, in the midst of feeling high from the springing sensation, sure enough, true to Mommy’s word, Juan Or tumbled down the bed. Crash, boom, bang! – he fell down just like nangka busuk (rotten jackfruit)! If falling down the bed (and landing on the hard floor) was already bad enough, nothing could be worse than having to fall onto a kiddy stool just next to the bed and getting a cut near the lips before landing on the floor!
There was blood all over his mouth, both Juan Or and Mommy went panicky but luckily Mommy managed to control the situation. Mommy carried Juan Or to the bathroom to rinse away the blood stain and then used handkerchief to press on the wound to stop the bleeding.
Many weeks went by since the bloody incident. The wound healed, but the ‘wound’ in his memory did not! Whenever Mommy read him the monkeys-jumping-on-the-bed nursery rhyme, Juan Or would cringe his face and shouted “Scared! Scared!” Whenever Mommy showed him pictures of monkeys in his kiddy books, he would give the same reaction. Poor boy! Now he seemed to associate monkeys with bad fall! *Sigh!*
Then one day, Papa took us for an outing to Bukit Melawati, Kuala Selangor. Our main reason for going there was to get up close and personal with the real monkeys, but of course knowing that Juan Or was phobic towards monkeys, Papa and Mommy kept the monkeys a secret. Instead, Mommy told Juan Or all about the tram that ferries visitors up and down the hill – the one children would prefer to call as choo-choo train! Boy was Juan Or excited to ride on the tram!
Well, we reached the part of the hill top where trams would normally stop the visitors. As expected, the monkeys came in flocks to ‘busybody’ around because the visitors had food to offer. Bold ones would openly come forward and ‘beg’ for food whereas the more timid ones would merely swing around or watch from a distance and only pick up food that were thrown to them.
What about Juan Or? Much to Mommy’s surprise, Juan Or seemed to have ‘forgotten’ about his phobia for monkeys! Was it because of watching the cute monkeys swinging live? Or was it because of the natural beauty of monkeys that can be seen so up close and personal? Whatever the ‘magical factor’ was, what was clear was that Mommy did not do anything special to break his monkey phobia and that Juan Or was obviously enjoying watching the monkeys! Maybe something in him realized that it was not the monkeys that caused the bad fall, but rather, it was recklessness and getting too carried away.
Whatever it was, Mommy was happy that the mental wound is gone for good and that Juan Or is able to enjoy the beauty of nature without associating it with his past traumatic experience. Seeing and hearing Juan Or laugh and giggle are the simple things that make Mommy’s life so happy, beautiful and rewarding. When Juan Or is HAPPY, Mommy is HAPPY too!
By the way, all the photos here were taken using Mommy’s handphone camera. Mommy has long been yearning to upgrade Mommy’s photography tool. So this “Happy Photography Contest” held by Olympus and Nuffnang is a good chance to make the yearning a reality – a chance to win Olympus’ new range of PEN Lite.....
and PEN Mini digital cameras that come with high DSLR image quality.
Thanks to Nuffnang and United International Pictures Malaysia, Mommy won a pair of passes to watch the premier screening of The Adventures of Tintin in 3D on 2nd November 2011, 9.30 pm at Golden Screen Cinema Midvalley Megamall!
Papa, Juan Or and Mommy reached Midvalley pretty 'early', i.e., at about 6.10 pm because that's about the best time to look for parking since Midvalley office workers are most likely to be driving out by then. Since the show would only start from 9.30 pm, we had a lot of time to kill in Midvalley......
Juan Or got to have his static ride on his favourite Thomas the Tank Engine and the Troublesome Truck!
We went to see Transformers toys too at several toy figurine-specialized shops (Anime Tech, Comic Mart) at Megamall's top floor, but didn't buy anything as their prices are not competitive. We went to Toys R'Us to see too but there were not many varieties left.
Finally, by 8.15 pm, we headed for GSC to collect the passes. Well, there was already a long queue of Nuffnangers even though there was no sign yet of Nuffnang staff nor a Nuffnang counter. And guess who we met there? It's none other than Juan Juan and her mum from My Little Sprouts! By the way, Mommy met Isaac Tan from eXperiences too (via introduction from Juan Juan's mum).
It wasn't too long after queuing that Mommy got the passes plus two "I (heart) Nuffnang" badges. Juan Or was very eager to wear the badge and even insisted that Mommy should wear too!
By around 9.15 pm, we were allowed to be seated in the screening hall and the 3D glasses were distributed upon entering the hall. Juan Or treated the glasses more like a toy - wore it and made funny faces!
Since only two glasses were distributed (but there were three of us), Mommy made it a point to stand by with a pair of cardboard 3D glasses taken from Juan Or's 3D book of dinosaurs. Mommy wasn't exactly sure whether such cardboard 3D glasses are compatible for warching such 3D movies, but no harm trying, right? Anyway, the cardboard 3D glasses were meant for Juan Or to use whereas the proper 3D glasses were for both Papa and Mommy to use! ^_^
Finally, the show started and guess what? Juan Or refused to give Mommy back the proper 3D glasses! He insisted on using the proper one and that Mommy should use the dinosaur one! *Faint* Mommy made several futile attempts to coax him into giving Mommy the proper glasses with each attempt ending with Juan Or making faint crying sound. *Cunning boy!* So what to do? Mommy used the dinosaur one while he used the proper one! On several occasions, Mommy caught him watching with the proper glasses being lifted up to his forehead (in other words, he was watching without the glasses!), so Mommy insisted that he give it back for Mommy to use. Guess what was his reply? With an almost crying voice and pleading tone, Juan Or said," Cannot see without glasses!" *Double faint*
So at the end of the day, Mommy watched 3D Tintin without any 3D glasses for about 90% of the time, 5% with the proper glasses on and the remaining time with the dinosaur glasses on. Without any 3D glasses, the subtitles are of course double image, but the pictures are not too double image - still a manageable view, though. With the dinosaur glasses on, the subtitles still look double image, but the pictures are a little better off. And of course with the proper glasses on, the 3D-ness is very good! The only downside to Mommy about wearing the proper 3D glasses is that it adds extra weight onto the short-sighted glasses that Mommy is already wearing, thus giving a heavy and uncomfortable feeling or pressure on the nose bridge. Looks like watching 3D is definitely not for Mommy, but for Papa, the 3D experience was heavenly (he didn't seem to experience the heavy-nose-bridge symptom)!
How about the Tintin movie? Well, it was an enjoyable show despite some tug-of-war-of-glasses inconvenience with Juan Or and some brief sleepy spells due to tiredness from work plus the tensed waiting period (before the show started). Personally, Mommy felt it could have been better for the producers to have a non-3D version as well to cater to different needs of their viewers. Here's a trailer of the show:
Basil. Who is Basil? Now, don't get Mommy wrong. Basil has nothing to do with being Mommy's future fetus (or future sibling of Juan Or) nor an old flame. Basil is Mommy's favourite dog. He is probably or could have been known as 'The Late Basil" by now. But nobody knows about his whereabouts now. Nobody knows whether he is still alive or not. But one thing's for sure - Basil lives within Mommy's heart till today.
You may be wondering what happened, right? Well, it all started about 5 years ago when Mommy left home for certain reasons. Well, when Mommy left home, Mommy only had to take the bare essentials. So taking Basil along is certainly out of question because Mommy certainly could not provide well for him. So it's better that he stays on with the rest of the family. After three years of Mommy going 'missing', finally Mommy got in touch with Mommy's Mum. You know what Mum said? She said that probably Basil sensed that Mommy went 'missing', so one day, he found the opportunity to slip out when the gate was open and left home. She said probably Basil was depressed and so went to the outside world to look for Mommy. And he never came back. Mum and Dad went to search for Basil but till today, they never found him and he never return home. Probably he vowed never to return if he cannot find Mommy. That is why he could still be out there looking for Mommy or he could have been 'The Late Basil'. *tears*
This is Basil or rather, the late Basil. This photo was taken about 6 years ago when Basil was about 8 human years old (or equivalent to 56 dog years old).
In Mommy's dreams and heart, this is the adventure that could have been to make up for the lost time and Basil's undying loyalty and sacrifice:
He could have been Mommy's Superman, flying here, there and everywhere looking for Mommy without vain.
Once Basil found Mommy, we could have gone for a flying everywhere and anywhere in the wide, wide world with Mommy in his pawy clutch. Forget about air tickets! Who needs them when there's Basil the SuperDog? At most, Mommy needs to feed him well to make sure he continues to have the energy to hold Mommy and fly!
To the theatre hall in Europe!
Or fly to US to meet President Barack Obama!
Or fly to see and feel the street life in Spain!
Whatever it is, it doesn't matter where we go for our dream adventure, what's more important is that Basil and Mommy enjoy making up for the lost time.
~ In loving memory of Basil ~
P/S: All photos (except for Basil's photo) are courtesy of Photofunia. This blogpost is a true account submitted in conjuction with a contest held by Nuffnang.
This is just a short random post of Juan Or since Mommy's office table now has lots of theses piling up waiting to be edited and proofread.
This pix was taken at Parkson of Plaza OUG, the place we went to for a MacDonald's lunch after our trip on the last day of the Big Bad Wolf Books Sale. As usual, Juan Or insisted on visiting the toy department to see his favourite Transformers toys. At the shelf, there was a section selling masks - Transformers and Captain America ones. But there is also this mask which Mommy has no knowledge of what superhero it represents, but it sure suits Juan Or's looks very much. Do you know what superhero's mask is this, anyone?
Anyway, the sword here was 'loaned' from Star Wars' toy section (do you call that the 'light saber'?).
Here is Juan Or, ready for his galactic battle! ^_^
16th Oct 2011 is the last day of the Big Bad Wolf Books Sale and is Mommy's 4th visit there for the season, but is Juan Or's first. Mommy is eager to bring Juan Or there just for him to experience riding on the tram, but buying books is secondary though.....hehehe!
We reached the parking lot at around 9.30 am and didn't have to wait before three trams came by. So we chose the third one because it is the least crowded tram.
Off we went into the tram!
Since the sale only opens at 10 am, we still had to wait after getting off the tram. But not to worry, there were lots of chairs to sit around because the chairs were provided by the food stalls nearby (KFC and Pizza Hut).
Juan Or as usual, cannot sit still for long. Well, old Chinese folks say kids like Juan Or have worms in their anus, that's why cannot sit still! ^_^ So Mommy took him for a short stroll somewhere near the sale area - first, to see how long the crowd has queued up long before we even arrived.....
...and lastly is more of Juan Or's fancy for the alien spaceship and the Big Bad Wolf figure itself, seen as a big display board.
Finally when the sale is opened, Mommy could see that most , if not all of the tall pile of books at the children section last seen on Tuesday were gone! Basically, there are not much choices left where chuildren's books are concerned. Anyway, Papa gave Mommy only 30 minutes to browse and buy - it's either 30 minutes only or nothing at all! So Mommy made a quick dash here and there to check out books and finished buying within the stipulated timeframe! Phew! And Juan Or was very happy that the cashier gave him the Big Bad Wolf in alien spaceship bookmark! Juan Or was even delighted to see that the plastic bags containing Mommy's purchases had the Big Bad Wolf figure on it! Such innocent delight!
Here are Mommy's purchases within the 30 minutes timeframe......a book on Thailand's temples and traditions in hard cover and excellent photography and paper for RM12 only - more for Mommy's general interest.
.....children's (and also family's) non-fiction book on wildlife in hardcover with excellent photography, text and paper plus DVD (mind you, it's not even VCD) for RM10 each (cheap!)...
....storybooks for Juan Or, each for RM6 (but Mommy finds the dinosaur one a little pricey, but
never mind-lah, just close one eye since Juan Or likes the book)....
...and an Ironman make-a-scene vinyl sticker set for RM5 (again, quite pricey but never mind, close one eye-lah since Juan Or loves Ironman!) and a storybook on Stanley (from Thomas and Friends' storybook box set) for RM3 (cheap!).
Total damage? RM68.40 (after 5% discount from RM72).
Here's Juan Or enjoying his Ironhide vinyl stickers at his grandparents' house. :-)
By the way, here's a closer look of this season's Big Bad Wolf bookmarks which are Juan Or's favourite (even after coming back from the sale!) because of the alien spaceship and the wolf's growling look! ^_^
P/S: Actually Juan Or expected to see a Big Bad Wolf figure appearance at the sale - not so much about the books though! ^_^ Must suggest this to Big Bad Wolf's management.....hehehehe!
Thinking of buying something for the baby, children, family or the household but you need to be frugal as well? Do check out my new blog "Mommy's Blog of Warehouse Sales (and Other Offers!)" for announcements of warehouse sales and offers!
Help Thien Nhan
Thien Nhan was an abandoned Vietnamese baby who miraculously survived after being mauled by a wild animal way back in July 2006. The attack resulted in the loss of his entire right leg and genitals. Click this photo to read more about Thien Nhan's plight. Thien Nhan will require 4 or 5 genital surgeries over the next 10 to 15 years, plus ongoing physiotherapy, prosthetic care and lifelong hormone replacement therapy. Your generous donations will go a long way in helping Thien Nhan lead a better life.
I am a lecturer in Faculty of Applied Sciences of UCSI University (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), lecturing University Chemistry I and Introductory Medical Science. This blog is initiated by an online learning course on digital literacy that I recently attended.
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My take on the b...
Fun Factory
This is our first time at Fun Factory. I usually set a limit on the amount
of tokens/tickets/card to buy when we go to arcades, usually I start at $20
Can you think of a "L" Wordle
Some of you may recall that our oldest son was in speech a couple years ago
and I posted about how I used podcasts to support his speech development (See
Disney Channel Falalalidays Giveaway
The snow glows white
on the mountain tonight,
not a footprint to be seen.
A kingdom of isolation and it looks
like I’m the queen.
The wind is howling like ...
Second School holiday for year 2014
Time flies very fast...Now is the second school holiday for this year. It
means Ryan has been in Primary 1 for half year, another half year to go...
we wil...
Farewell 2010, Welcome 2011
*There are certainly lots of ups and downs for me throughout 2010 -- the
past -- all the good, the bad and even the ugly ones -- shall be
Boy's Banter!
** Due to Scam, My Little Sprouts is currently closed for public!*
Last month when I tried to help my boy(3 years 4 months old) to shower his
head. He aske...
Yes, Katrin BJ was back. waiting for so long and after my 1st visit during
2010, i wanted to buy another Thermal Food Jar for myself. Lucky this time
is ...
Mommy hopes that we are still not too late to wish everyone a Happy "Horse"
Year despite today is already the seventh day of t...
The Offspring song "You're Gonna Go Far, Kid"
Thissong from *The Offspring album Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace* hits the
top of the chart and still going strong; 4 week on top of the billboard
chart. T...
Zoey is handling her chemo very well! She's spent this week in the hospital
but will get to come home tomorrow and then come back for weekly
treatments. Sh...
Chocolate can be good during pregnancy
Good news for pregnant women! Regularly eating chocolate during your
pregnancy can be good for both mother and baby. This is shown by Canadian
scientific r...
Korea Aloha Ukulele Festival 2016
Shenny was in the 11th Aloha Ukulele Festival held at the Contennial Hall,
Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea on Saturday 20 August 2016.
Thanks Professor C...
Our Big Bad Wolf Books Haul 2020
Yay! our BBW Books box 1 and 2 had arrived. Busy with the books. Hence
only now Mamarazzi have time to blog a bit
We bought on the 4th November morning...
Happy 12th birthday Ivy!
We started the morning off with the reading of her birth story and opening
presents (Olympique de Lyon soccer jersey, shoes, cyanotype kit, and a
purse fro...
Time flies. It has been such a long time I didn’t post anything on this
blog and also my other recipe blog. When there is more and more people know
about t...
How do you get your child to read books?
I was NOT growing up to be a bookworm type of kid. I chose play than read,
given any and every opportunity. But I did study when it's time to study
The siblings
10, 7 and 3 respectively, they are sure growing up fast.
I love them for who they are.
The eldest being big sister taking charges of the younger sibli...
Sarawak Trip Day Two
We detoured to Gunung Gading National Park, hoping to see Rafflesia on
28.12.2014. By the time we started our hike, the rain was pouring. We were
caught ...
Holiday Mission
Age: 5 years, 1 month, 4 weeks old
I've a mission to accomplish in this holiday - cycling. Been nagging daddy
for months to remove that 2 extra little whe...
here comes the Big Bad Wolfie!
He's back! He's back! He's baaaaaaack!
I am so going everyday! hahaha...
It's gonna be sooooo good!
Track your pregnancy week-by-week, chat with other moms,
find answers to questions on toddler development, baby development,
and pregnancy symptoms from the author of What To Expect When You're Expecting.