Come late evening or night, lights have to be switched on in the house. So not too long ago, Juan Or spotted this shadow on the ceiling....
Look here, look there, apparently this is the culprit.....
It's the clothes-hanger stand!
But Mommy knows where he got the idea from. It's from one of his favourite storybook called "The Berenstain Bears and the Spooky Old Tree"!
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9 months ago
Berenstain Bears book series are very interesting. I have a few copies of them at home. Hehehe!
Hehehe, the first picture is quite scary, but knowing that it's only a shadow, nothing to worry :P
Not to worry 'boh eah eh' (hokkien) haha.
LOL no wonder la. He learns very fast :)
LOL, kids learn fast. This shows that Juan Or understand the story he read :)
Haha...spooky... I'm scared...
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