This is a late post.
One day, Juan Or told Mommy he wanted to eat the Mamee noodle snack. Since he had already eaten his dinner, Mommy allowed. So Mommy opened the snack packaging for him and handed the whole packet to him and Mommy went off to do some household stuff.
Some time later, Mommy came back to where Juan Or was and found the Mamee noodle all over the floor and in small bits and pieces some more! So apparently this boy had a good time playing with Mamee instead of eating it! Grrrr! Mommy immediately ordered Juan Or to pick up all the bits and pieces of Mamee and put them into anything to contain them, otherwise Mommy would beat him up!! *Wink* So happen the most convenient comtainer to put them was his toy wash basin. Juan Or then went ahead with picking them up. After continuous picking (mind you, the bits and pieces were not only all over the floor, but also on the carpet and on the tea table!), Juan Or realized that it was not that convenient after all to pick and then walk or move back to the toy wash basin repeatedly. So he 'innovated' a bit by holding a disposable spoon (which was one of his play items scattered on the floor), then picked up the bits and pieces and placed them into the spoon. And once the spoon had about quite a lot already, then only did he transfer them into the toy wash basin. And the same process repeated. See photos of this boy at work.....
Because his toys are also scattered on the floor, sometimes in the midst of picking, he would temporarily be distracted from his work by playing with the toy. ^_^
But never mind, so as long as he gets back on track to continue picking, Mommy doesn't mind. It's OK to have a bit of distractions once in a while. ^_^
Now it's back at picking from the tea table again.
But oops, sometimes he forgot that all these bits and pieces were to be disposed off (since he had stepped on them and mixed with dust on the floor!), instead he put them into his mouth to eat! *Slap forehead*
After eating, he went on with his picking again.
The end result? Well, yes, he did a good job for a toddler his age. All the bits and pieces of Mamee were meticulously picked up and now ready for Mommy to sweep away the MSG particles. Good job, Juan Or! *Muah!* ^_^
*Mommy is in the midst of clearing leave for this year, so off and on, when Mommy finds the time and chance in office, Mommy will post up something here. Currently Mommy is very busy with finishing up work so that Mommy can go on leave with a more peaceful mind. Thanks for visiting, keep your comments coming and most of all, thanks for your understanding. Mommy will go bloghopping again whenever possible. Sorry for not being able to visit your blogs in return as often as Mommy wanted to.*
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