Last week Thursday, Mommy got tagged by Aunty Alice Law from 'My Little Sprouts!". The tagging game goes that the person who got tagged will look into his/her first folder according to Picasa or hard drive and then select the 10th photo, blog about the story behind the photo, mention the person or blog that tagged the person and finally tag five other blogs.
When Mommy looked into the first folder, the Picasa programme in Mommy's laptop actually indicated the first folder's date of creation as '18th July 1912'! Mommy's first reaction was like,"Huh, how can that be? The computer wasn't even invented back then!" On top of that, the folder contains only videos and Mommy recalled these videos were captured by Mommy's previous Motorola camera handphone (which was damaged as a result of short circuit following battery defect). When Mommy checked the handphone's micro SD card, apparently the same video is still in there, but dated 18th February 2009, i.e., when Juan Or was 9 months old. So how did the year change to 1912 (and the month to July) when a copy of the file was saved into Mommy's laptop? Anyone to offer Mommy an explanation? By the way, Mommy only bought this laptop in July 2004.
Although the game is to select the 10th photo of the first folder, however, Mommy decided to select the 10th video of the first folder instead because of the 'auspicious' year change! If Mommy is to stick to the rule strictly, the 10th photo would have been some boring agarose gel electrophoresis photo which was part of Mommy's M.Sc. research results!
So there you go. This video shows Juan Or at 9 months old, was already able to sit up steadily and he enjoyed listening to noises of plastic containers cluttering and knocking on the floor. This video reminds Mommy of how much he has grown 14 months later (Juan Or is now 23 months old)! You can see from this video that his head, body and limbs still had the chubby baby look but now he looks like a little boy already. Even his skin texture appears to have 'roughen' up just a few days ago. Just by looking at this video, Mommy really misses Juan Or's infant days, although Mommy must admit his infant days are not without difficulties. Whatever it is, it is a record of fond memories for Mommy to rekindle when Juan Or turns into a grown man.
Mommy is tagging the following five mummy blogs (preference is given to mummy blogs that have not been tagged for this season):
Aunty Agnes Loke from LilHyppos Hypopotamum
Aunty Sheoh Yan from Blog With Yan
Aunty Lee Pei Yi from BoeyJoey
Aunty Kam from The Kam Family
Mom-Daughter Style
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9 months ago
Spooky! haha...your computer went backward to our nenek moyang world. so chubby! haha
Very interesting tag. Thanks for tagging me. Cheers.
Not so long ago really, but for a toddler, doesn't it seem like he is growing up so fast, maybe too fast? Treasure these moments...
Oh yes, he is so adorably chubby back then... missed his younger days too! LOL, very attentive to the plastic tumbler!
mNhL, hahaha, ya, spooky and mind boggling. In fact I don't remember to ever backdate my laptop to as far back as 1912!
Sheoh Yan, hope you don't mind being tagged - this is just a fun-fun thing. Cheers!
Serline, oh, sometimes I wish time can go to a standstill, then I get to savour his babyishness forever! Hahahaha! :-D
Alice Law, yes, I miss his used-to-be chubby baby look.
thanks for the tag. cute video of Juan. RC also lost some of her baby chubbiness.
Mom Daughter Style, haha...hope you don't mind being tagged. Thanks. Hahaha....savour the baby chubbiness while there's still time before it's gone forever! :-D
Oh, a tag! Thanks for tagging... will go dig out the photo first :-).
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