Recently Mommy caught sight of Juan Or making his own contraptions during playtime.
For the first contraption, he made a tunnel for his choo-choo trains by using a book and DVD boxes stacked and balanced against each other. The challenge in making this 'tunnel' is to find the right balance in stacking the roof part of the tunnel since both walls are not of the same height.
Here's another angle of viewing of the tunnel in which the choo-choo train is ready to pass through.
Juan Or's second contraption was made when he was helping Mommy to wash a plastic bowl to which he ended up playing with water and in the process, he came up with this.....
It's a water redirecting contraption. He stuck a chopstick to the outlet of filtered water, then turned on the tap - just a small flow - and the water can be directed to flow at a further target than what it initially was.
Here's another angle of viewing of the water redirecting contraption.
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9 months ago
manyak pandai! can become architect
smart boy! :)
Yo yo,Juan Or, Uncle Eugene is happy to see that you are so creative ya,,,,,,cool keep up the good work,dream big ya
Future rocket scientist I reckon!;D
he is so creative!
Kids are always creative. Parents do not have to always buy things for them - leave it to their imagination. You'll be surprised what they can come out with...and they certainly seem a lot happier with that.
Juan Or is so creative in his play. Boys being boys love this type of games so much.
Dear All,
We shall see-lah what he becomes next time - see if what he builds now is an accurate indicator of his profession next time.....hehehhe. Meanwhile, I'll just let him enjoy building or arranging whatever that comes into his mind. :-)
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