"Life Support System" - yes, also known as neh neh - the life support system of infants. Yup, Mommy went for the Triumph Lingerie Warehouse Sale (26th June - 1st July 2012) at SS2 Mall on the first day of the sale, right after work.
Lately, Mommy has been becoming more fashionable and tended towards spaghetti strap tops for casual wear. Wearing spaghetti tops also mean preferably wearing strapless bras so that the bra straps don't stick out like a sore thumb! So Mommy decided to go to this sale to buy more bras that can go for strapless option.
As usual, Juan Or was very excited, not because it's to do with the "life support system", but rather because he enjoys outings!
Upon entry into the Triumph's enclosure, the security guard will seal your handbag's opening using those plastic fasteners. Each customer is provided with a transparent plastic bag to let customers throw in whatever selected lingerie.
While Mommy was busy browsing and choosing, Juan Or occupied himself by monkeying around the bra racks.
How's the price of the bras like? Well, for the Triumph bras, the lowest price found so far starts from RM25 or RM30 (can't remember!) whereas for the Amo bras (also under Triumph), the lowest price Mommy could find was RM15. Many of the bras are in a jumble and Mommy could see that the sales assistants were trying very hard to rearrange those bras only to find they got jumbled up in no time at all! As for Triumph panties, although the cardboard tags showed that the price starts from as low as RM5, however, after digging very hard, the lowest Mommy could find was the RM8 ones.
Yes, Mommy's mission to look for thick padded bra that can go strapless was a success. Here's Mommy's yield for the day - total damage was RM175.
The stripey pink bra - RM15, light purple bra with black lacy design - RM15 each, brown and grey bras - RM25 each. All the bras are Amo brand with underwire and thick padding. Only the pink and purple ones have extra padding inserts that are detachable.
The sale starts at 11am and ends at 8pm. Parking at SS2 Mall is free, but be warned however that you may find it very difficult to find back the place you parked your car (but it's easy to find a parking!). In fact, Mommy's head went on fire after searching high and low repeatedly for the level where Mommy parked the car, simply because there are no signages to indicate which floor to take to reach the desired level. Grrrrr!
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10 months ago
Oooo...sexy undergarments! LOL!!!
Suituapui, kakakaka!
When I read life support system, I thought oh dear! Rupa-rupanya undergarments! Hahaha! Wow 10 pieces for rm175 only; so so worth it!!!
Hi alice. My gf is a fan of triumph underwear, and i am thinking to get her a pair of sexy lingerie for her. Her preference is half-cup. Can you give me some tips please? :)
Wow! Juan is sooo big already!
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