This is an outdated post dating back to 31st December 2010.
We spent our New Year Eve by going somewhere quite far away, more of a joyride trip. Initially, Papa wanted to explore some alternative route that connects Puchong to Dengkil, Paya Indah and Sepang areas, but eventually the road leads us towards Banting. That was how we ended up going to Morib Beach and then later to Tanjung Sepat for lunch.
It was low tide that time, so Papa went down to the muddy beach to explore while Juan Or and Mommy merely stroll at the concrete-laden part of the beach.
Morib Beach has changed face a lot since the last time Mommy went there as a kid. The beach now has a lot more facilities for both children and adults now.
There are tile-laden walkways now.
There's also an educational section for visitors - the gastropode arena that has giant-sized seashells and brief descriptions of more specific subgroups of gastropodes.
There is also a large playground for children and as usual, Juan Or would surely ask to play there!
And then Juan Or saw a big moth on the slide. He wanted to hit it but dared not, so he asked Mommy to hit it for him, but Mommy also dared not (E-yeer!) and instead asked him to hit it himself. So in the end, Juan Or did not hit it at all! ^-^
Then Juan Or went on to play with other things like the chains, ........
....'mountain'-climbing, ......
...and the rocking horse (but in this case, rocking elephant!).
Then there's also this structure that seems to resemble some kind of super-mini stadium whereby you see concrete slabs in curvy rows and gadually going downhill. So Juan Or used it for his play (or exercise?) instead.
Well, we didn't spend a very long time at Morib Beach because the sun was already very hot. So bye, bye Morib! And off we go to Tanjung Sepat! (Hint: stay tuned for Part 2!)
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